Trapped and Want Out?

Do any or all of these statements sound familiar or resonate with you?

I'm not satisfied with my job.
There is too much stress at work.
There is too much stress in my life.
There is never enough money.
The cost of living goes up but not my wages.
Corporate America is eating away at my heart and soul.
I feel trapped.
I do not have enough time with my family.
I do not have time for myself.
I am not living the life of my dreams.
I am ready to retire, but I'm worried about having enough money.
I am ready to retire, but I can't afford to retire.
My future looks dim.
My future looks the same, day after day, year after year.
I do not want to be trapped in a 9 to 5 job.

If you feel any of these things, you are not alone. You represent the majority of people. Most people feel this way and put up with these frustrations, year after year. Few take action to change their lives.

It does not take a genius to figure out that people with their own businesses make money and live the kind of life we all dream of and want. J. Paul Getty, said, "I'd rather earn 1% from what a 100 people do, than 100% from what I do." Getty's principle is what business people do: they earn money from those who work for them.

"But . . . ," I can hear the "but." You are probably saying a few other things that start with "But I can't." Thoughts like "But it takes money to make money" or "But I'm not a business person" or "But I don't know how to start my own business" or if you are really honest with yourself, "But I'm afraid; there's no security; what if I fail? What about health insurance?" Am I a mind reader? No. I have thought and said all of those things to myself.

My biggest problem, the thing that was holding me back, was fear. I was afraid. Yet, I got the guts to step out of my comfort zone and take a chance. I read the following sentence and it changed my thinking: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." (Albert Einstein) I realized that if I kept doing what I was doing, I would end up right where I was at the end of my life. I did not want that. So, I took a giant step, a leap, and I did it, me, a middle-aged single woman! I grabbed a hold of my dreams and became an entrepreneur. You can do it too. Old or young or somewhere in between, it does not matter what age, race, or gender you are. Your dreams can become your reality if you step forward. The problem with some people is that it has been so long since they have dreamed that they have forgotten what their dreams are. If that is you, get in touch with your dreams. It is easy and it is fun!

I am an educator. A few years ago, I realized that the design of much of our education system primarily trains students to become obedient, compliant workers. Most teachers and professors do not realize they are part of the process because they too were trained in our education system. We have all been taught that when we grow up, we will get a job, have job security, work forty or fifty years, and retire. This is the Corporate American model: they need workers so the education system produces workers. This model worked for our parents or grandparent and more obviously for Corporate America. The mantra was job security, loyalty, and retirement. This model quickly disintegrated in favor of the company. Most people not realize that it is a rare company that has loyalty to its employees. This model is outdated and, as most people can testify, it doesn't serve workers very well. We are no longer in the Industrial Revolution. We are in the Information Revolution. The world is changing and our jobs are about as secure as a loose baby tooth.

We are in the middle of a paradigm shift: a shift toward entrepreneurship.

Those who see the shift and change can succeed financially. Those who do not will find themselves stuck in an dead end maze. If you are dissatisfied and want to change, you can. Do not settle because everyone else does. Now is the time to be bold and take control of your life. Everyone with a desire, a plan, a focus, and the willingness to take action and do what it takes can transform their dreams into their realities.

Network marketing is for the 21st Century what franchises were for the second half of the 20th Century: the average person's way into business and wealth. Start up costs are low, which allows anyone to start their own business. A person can work part-time, hanging onto that job security and health insurance, or full-time. The hassles of employees, buildings, equipment, and start-up costs of a franchise have been eliminated. Many people begin Network Marketing businesses part-time and go full-time when their business income exceeds their job income. There are no employees and a person set his or her own schedule. A college student, a young person right out of high school, young married couples, single parents, middle aged people, retired, nearly retired, anyone can do Network Marketing and have a home based business, working from the comfort of her own home.

Talk about job satisfaction! You will be in the business of helping people improve their lives. You will make friends as well as money. It is a rich, satisfying, exciting business with the added benefit of being fun.

If you have never been involved in network marketing or if you have heard "bad" things, open your mind and do some research. Rush to your book store or library and get Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, Wave 4 Network Marketing in the 21st Century by Richard Poe, and Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G. Allen. Read these four books and then find more if you have a need for more. These books will point you in the right direction and help you understand finances, how to create wealth, and the Network Marketing industry. Then, find a good Network Marketing company. Transform your dreams into your reality.

To help you choose and evaluate a Network Marketing company, read my article, "Clueless About Network Marketing?" It's online; do a search.

What are you waiting for? Quit staring at the computer screen. Go!

Cora Foerstner is an entrepreneur and loves doing business from the comfort of her own home! She can be reached at 714-774-0624 or Visit her web site:

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