MLM Success - In MLM, Why Do People Resist Change?

The MLM Rule of Life.

Here is a sad rule of life that we all in Network Marketing must accept:

"Most people resist change in their life."

You will find this out quickly in MLM.


Mainly, when change has entered a person's life in the past, it usually came in the form of a loss, not a gain.

It carried with it Pain, not Pleasure. And most people equate change to something negative, verses positive.

Change then becomes "Chains" that people carry around with them, because they are "Chained" to the Past, to How things are, to Fears, Doubts, and Insecurities, and they are too heavy to carry around with you in Network Marketing...

And they have a tendency to resist any growth at all in their life, because they are afraid that it will produce Pain, or create a Loss... which does not make any sense... because Growth is a FORWARD function, not a backward one.

The People Who Resist Change in Network Marketing.

Folks who resist change.

Usually work for someone else.

Usually end up with less in life.

Usually make excuses, not money.

Usually look for things to NOT work.

Usually complain more than those who don't resist.

Usually see less of the world.

Usually are less inclined to join things.

And Usually are more negative than those who don't resist.

People who resist Change let "Life Happen" to them, verses "Happen to Life". It may even be subconscious, but it is there.

The Two Most Powerful words in MLM.

In Network Marketing, you must change their negative picture of change by asking the Two Most Powerful Words in MLM:

"What If?"

"What if it DID work? How would your life change?"

"What if I am right, and you could live the life you truly want?"

"What if you did succeed... how would your life be improved by it?"

And if they are still resistant to change, sell them the products, and get some referrals, and move on.

Don't let Your business end up in Chains, due to people who won't Change!!


doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top trainers/speakers/authors in MLM in the world. He was fulltime for 13 years in Network Marketing, and the last 7 years has spent the time traveling the world speaking and training. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription of the MLM Success HEAT training letter at: Contact:

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