Network Marketing Problem ? Are Your Downlines Leaving You?

First of all, let's take a look at your effort to maintain a good communication with your downlines. How often did you contact them? How well did you know them personally? Did you ever ask them about their dreams? Did you share with them?

If your answer is no, no, no and no, then you're in a big trouble. Even if you have a yes, yes, yes and no for the answer, still you won't stay long in the business for sure!

Communications between upline and downlines plays an important role in Network Marketing. Contact them at least once a week just to say hello and ask them how they are doing. Offer your help to them. Tell them motivational stories. They will love your kind attention.

Tell your downlines what you are up to so they know your plans and strategies. Share your ideas with them and don't be afraid to share your secret strategies also. This way they will be able to duplicate those strategies and learn a lot from you.

Secondly, do call some trainings for your downlines on a regular basis. Make sure they understand what to do and how to do it correctly. This is crucial if you still want to keep them in your Network Marketing organization.

Finally, could you recall how exactly did you approach them?

Did you tell them that they could earn big money without doing anything? No wonder they do nothing but just sit around and wait to see the check coming?

Did you tell them that they would succeed without spending a dime? That explains why they don't advertise professionally?

Did you also tell them that they would get rich quickly through your Network Marketing program? That's why they are not persistent enough to hang around?

OK, now what if you did the right thing - you've built good communications with your downlines, you've made training calls regularly for them and you did approach them with no hypes nor gimmicks from the beginning? but they still quit?

Then they are just not who you are looking for to build your Network Marketing business with. You don't need them. Believe me.

Copyright 2005 Farid Aziz.

Farid Aziz is a full-time Internet Marketer. Reveal more of his FREE tips and strategies on Internet Marketing and get a FREE Course on How to Make Money Online with Your Hobby at Internet Marketer Sells

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