The Best Network Marketing Company the one that will work best for you.

With that in mind, here are ten questions to help you evaluate any Network Marketing opportunity:

1. Do you really understand the compensation plan or is it confusing? You wouldn't take a job without completely understanding how you would get paid. Don't sign up for Network Marketing without having a true understanding of the compensation, preferably in writing.

2. Would you buy the products for the retail price or are they too expensive? Products in the Network Marketing Industry have been notoriously expensive for a long time. Are the products really worth the price?

3. Will you be able to sell the products at the retail price? The FTC requires Network Marketers to have customers. If your products are priced higher than the marketplace, it becomes a difficult task.

4. Are the start up fees reasonable and is their value added to the start up? Remember, a Network Marketing business is not like a traditional franchise. Many companies today charge less than $40 to sign up. If someone is charging more ($200-300), there is likelihood that someone is making money on the sign up and that is legally questionable according to the FTC.

5. Is the training included, or is training something you have to pay extra for (is it affordable to you)? For years, companies and people within companies have profited from the training of distributors and associates, even though most of these distributors and associates did not turn a profit.

6. Is the company using today's technology or are they still meeting 2-3 times a week in hotels and conference centers? Consider the time away from your family and the cost of babysitting if that applies to you.

7. How good is the company reputation? If a company has a bad name, find out why and consider how this will affect your ability to sell products and expand your business.

8. What type of claims are being made about the products? According to the FTC, "Beware of plans that claim to sell miracle products or promise enormous earnings. Just because a promoter of a plan makes a claim doesn't mean it's true!"

9. How good is the average person doing? Companies in the Network Marketing industry are notorious for parading around their stars, supposed millionaires, while the average person struggles to break even.

10. What kind of experience does the leadership of the company have? Company leaders that have experience out building a business are likely to be more interested in seeing you create a solid business. Also look at the availability of the leaders.

Ty Tribble is an internet entrepeneur and blog author from Seattle, Washington. He was recently brought on board as President of Passport LLC., a Network Marketing company focused on building a profitable business for every individual.

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