Network Marketing Is Fun And Profitable

Network Marketing, also called MLM or Multi-Level Marketing, can be one of the most fun and rewarding businesses today.

Robert Kiyosaki said:

"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business."

More and more companies are offering products and services that the average person uses, and making them available in a MLM format. Products such as nutritional products, water filtration systems, communication services, and internet access are all sold through Multi-Level Marketing.

MLM has gotten a bad reputation over the years due to the fact that, originally, many companies were set up to make money only for the founders, leaving those who got in later with nothing but empty promises -- and pockets!

Even today, when most Network Marketing companies are legitimate, many people don't like anything to do with MLM. People will turn their backs on a great opportunity simply because it involves Multi-Level Marketing. They can't seem to forget the past.

What Is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is a business about helping people. These are non-traditional businesses, generally worked from home (exactly what you're looking for, right?).

Many business opportunities are actually network marketing companies but, because of the bad reputation mentioned earlier, they don't call themselves that.

Some of the advantages are:

  • low overhead

  • no employees

  • no office to rent

  • no commuting back and forth to work

For the most part, MLM companies offer reasonably priced products and services that people consume in a short time. That's one mark of a good company. The product or service offered must be renewed (re-ordered) on a regular basis.

As the business owner, you get a commission from the sales of these products and services every time your customer re-orders them. This is called a residual income. In effect:

Sell Once, Get Paid Forever!

As with Affiliate Programs, others can join the MLM program under you, giving you an override commission (a percentage of their sales).

Compensation, products, number of people on your team (your downline) will all vary from company to company.

Make sure you know exactly how things work before you get involved.

Remember one important point about Network Marketing:

You must be actually buying a product or service to make it legal.

For a more detailed explanation of Network Marketing/MLM, and more great advice for your home-based business, please visit My Home-Based Business Advisor .

Terry Nicholls
My Home-Based Business Advisor

Copyright © by Terry Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.

Terry Nicholls writes from his own experiences in trying to start his own home-based business. To benefit from his success, visit My Home-Based Business Advisor - Helping YOUR Home Business Start and Succeed for free help for YOUR home business, including ideas, startup, and expansion advice.

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