Select Network Marketing and Select Good MLM company to Work For

Here are the good criteria and checkpoints to select network marketing, select good MLM company, and what kind

of good MLM company to work for in order you succeed in network marketing.

It seems that just about everybody is jumping on the Network Marketing Band Wagon due to the success of some

major players like Amway, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Herbalife, Fuller Brush, Watkins and scores of lesser known

companies. Regardless if it's a name player, or some new kid on the block, there's a few things you need to know, so let's get to it.

OK, now let's take a closer look at the goose to see if it really can lay the golden eggs everyone promise The BIG selling point of every network marketing plan regardless of size or product is always the commission and bonuses you'll earn from your DOWN LINE.


In a typical network marketing plan, in order for YOU to make bigger commissions (the vast majority people that join rarely break even, let alone make any commissions with all the monthly fees you pay), you got to

recruit other people into the program. Whoever you sign-up becomes part of your DOWN LINE and remains on a level below you.

If you think you're "good enough," or just want to get your feet wet to see for yourself, the first thing you should do is decide if that great sounding offer you're thinking about is really a true multi-level marketing plan with a real product to sell, or simply a dirty little scheme trying to sell you on the "quick bucks" just selling the program to others. It's fairly easy to spot a phony. Here's a few quick tests that should help you decide. If the MLM offer you're considering can't give believable answers to these crucial questions tell the promoter to take hike!

1. Does the sales literature contain detailed description or its products or services, or only countless references to how easily, and quickly you can make money with little work or commitment?

Watch Out! If products or services are only mentioned as an after-thought, if at all, you're asking for trouble. The program is probably designed just to push dealerships, sponsorships, distributors or whatever terms are used. It's all done with smoke and mirrors. There's no substance. How can it work? Sooner or later it will fail!

2. Does the MLM offer products or services that the public needs, and wants?

This is kind of a trick question. Think about it. Is there really demand for what you 're going to offer? Lots of luck if you 're stuck with something that doesn't generate repeat business. It's the lifeblood necessary to generate the commissions you got into the plan for in the first place!

3. Can similar products be found in retail stores, or be obtained through mailorder at about the same price?

Your commissions and bonuses, if any, are based on sponsoring people who can fill orders. When you have a good product - that's what makes the money for you. Even if you have a good product, if it can be purchased through regular retail channels, ask yourself why people are going to buy from you instead.

4. Can you generate repeat sales?

If the company has a reputation for quality products you should be able to generate repeat business, build and hold your down line. That's what's necessary for any successful MLM Plan.


1. A quality product or service.

2. A successful attitude. You must Live, Think, Talk, Dream Success. All day. Every day. No Exceptions. Sell. Sell. Sell.

3 Believe in yourself, and the company you're working for.

4 Have a realistic goal. Don't aim to high, but you do have to motivate yourself.

5. Discipline. You will never be successful if you only work at it when you feel like it! Go Back and read item # 2 again!

6. Find Prospects. If you don't know how, you will never get past first base!

7. You should like people. It's hard to be a good salesman if you don't; and that's what you have to be. A good salesman!

8 Close the sale. You can have the best product, an eager customer with money to spend, but if you can't ask for, and get that order, the best sales presentation in the world won't do you any good! To be successful in MLM you must be a really good salesman!

9. You need Repeat Sales. More Repeat Sales, and still more Repeat Sales.

10. Recruit new distributors and or dealers.


One of the best ways to spot a potential phony is a promise of a sizable "guarantee" if you don't at least

make $100,000 or some other arbitrary high figure with their program in your first year. Honest companies can't possibly make such an offer, or are not giving you the whole story!

Read the fine print. To collect on the guarantee you probably have to fulfill a few little requirements. Like pay a year's worth of monthly dues, Provide proof you distributed 25,000 brochures, or have at least 10 people in your down line.


- A company with a proven track record in business for several years. MLM companies have a strange habit of folding up their tent with little or no warning! Don't get stuck holding the bag!

- Diverse product line. NO door to door selling. That's a big hurdle. If product can be sold through a simple ad or catalog, it's a lot less wear and tear on you, and burn-out is slower.

- Initial small investment. Don't tie-up big bucks buying sample kits, etc.

- Proven earnings potential. Talk to several successful members already doing the program.


It's really the best illustration to visualize what is required if a Network Marketing Plan is going to make YOU the kind money promised. The Pyramids built centuries ago in the distant desert sands of the Middle East have layer after layer of huge blocks piled one on top of another to support the massive weight of the immense structures.

Unlike the Egyptian pyramids that are already "topped out", a successful MLM program must continue to grow. Not from top, but from the bottom by adding an ever increasing base to pay commissions to more and more people. If you can't continue to recruit new people to join the plan to help support the growing structure you're just running in place all the while you're paying monthly fees for the privilege of trying! It's like lifting up the entire pyramid and adding a new course of blocks.

If you have hard time to find a real good MLM or network company, you can visit since we only provide the reliable network companies that provide you the good products, training and support, and helps people to grow thier busiess.

Julia Tang publishes Smart Online Business Tips, a fresh
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like you! To find out the best online business opportunities,
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