The Greatest Secret To Producing Real SOLID Excellence!

One fact stubbornly stays true: while everyone desires to succeed, only those who truly COMMIT to their dreams would be able to attain success. For most people, having MORE money, MORE freedom and MORE success is nothing but a feeble desire. The reality is that they can live without it even though it is great to have it. As a result, they never (and never need to) take enough massive action to achieve their dreams when something else more 'important', 'urgent', 'realistic' or 'down-to-earth' comes to fill up their time.

Realize that you have a choice to make every single day but somehow the lesser choice almost always ranks as FIRST priority!

I cannot help but stress how important the word COMMITMENT is. When you commit to something, you would do whatever it takes to achieve it, no matter how difficult the situation is.

When you COMMIT to something, your dream becomes a MUST. When a dream becomes a MUST...You operate from a different mindset. People who truly achieve their dreams make them an absolute MUST to do so. When something becomes an absolute MUST, you would do whatever it takes to get it (within ethical and moral means). Making them a MUST also taps into your potential and unlimited resources to achieve anything you want!

Ask yourself: are your dreams and goals an absolute must or just weak desires that you can live without?

Almost everything you had ever achieved in the past-believe it or not-was an absolutely MUST. If not, you wouldn't have achieved anything till now. The problem is most of us tend to live a mediocre life based on survival and necessity, and living an exceptional life is not a MUST so long as we never make it a point NOW. The only way to achieve your dreams and live an exceptional life is when you raise your 'level of acceptance'.

You may set a dream to earn $10,000 from Internet Marketing but if you are willing to accept $2,000, then $2,000 is what you are going to get because $2,000 is your level of acceptance. Your level of acceptance is $2,000 and the moment it goes below your acceptance level, your mind hits panic mode and you would do whatever it takes to earn $2,000 again.

Raising your level of acceptance requires that you get 'dissatisfied' and 'inspired' and one of the best ways to do it is to read about or mix around with people who are much better than you. So if you are earning $2,000, kindly mix around with people who are earning X times as much as you. You are simply taking advantage of a particular environment by planting yourself in it.

When you are not mixing around with successful people and you are all by yourself, here's the great secret you can apply to produce better and greater results at all times: get 'dissatisfied' and 'inspired' by putting yourself ON THE LINE! In other words, put yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no choice but to step up to the next level.

How to put yourself on the line? Make a public declaration of your dreams and establish a commitment so that it will hurt not to do it.

When the brain is given a choice to do something or put it off, it will always gravitate towards the easier path. But when you have no choice but to do it, the inherent power of a commitment and a declaration will always help you find a way!

Do the following exercises:

1) Write down 5 goals that you MUST achieve.

2) Define your current levels of acceptance and redefine new levels for these 5 goals.

3) For these 5 goals, write at least 2 ways you can put yourself on the line for each of them.

4) Take massive action and DO IT!

Remember, in whatever you are doing, be it writing, creating a site, presenting, promoting, selling, forging new relationships etc., put in the x-factor that is Commitment in all your intentions, and all your actions will be executed at a new and higher level in one way or another. Be committed to do whatever it takes, and you will most likely get it.

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Justin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center ( and Fresh Resources (

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