Have You Ever Not Done Something Because Someone Said You Couldnt?

"Every truly great accomplishment is at first impossible."

It's a beautiful spring day that I am writing this and it's at this time of year that I get motivated about what the rest of the year holds. Right now I'm thinking about what goals I plan to accomplish. I'm brainstorming about my copywriting business and how I plan to market it and expand Twentity.com.

Spring may not get your brain churning but I know you've had those times when you are so excited about something whether it's a new job, a new shirt you want to buy or saving to move to a bigger place. You go to your friends or family with this enthusiasm that you want to share with them and the bastards just crap all over your parade. It happens all the time. It might go something like this:

You: Hey, guess what? I am going to start my own business.

Them: Do you think you can really do it? That's a lot of work. How are you going to pay for your health and medical benefits? What about taxes?

You: I'm just in the beginning phases right now. But I've done some research and I know I can do it.

Them: It takes years to grow a business. How do you plan to really support yourself?

You: I know it will be difficult but I've written my business plan. I just don't like working for other people and knowing what I am going to make and know that that is all I'll ever make.

Them: Do you know how many businesses fail in a year? I have a friend who had a pie in the sky dream like yours and now they're on welfare.

Basically, they try to throw every possible negative scenario in your face, as if you hadn't thought it through before. Or maybe you haven't but would it kill them to be supportive?

When you share your dream with them and they come with the no's and it's impossible, don't take it personal as if they are saying you can't do it. What they're really saying is they can't picture themselves doing that. They don't have enough courage to start and maintain your own business, they don't have enough discipline to save for a house and keep it, they don't have the guts to ask for a promotion. When you think of it, it's really not a reflection of you it's of them. But please don't let that or anything stop you from accomplishing your goals, ever.

"The one that says it can not be done should never interrupt the one doing it."

I read this quote somewhere and I can't remember who wrote it. It may be a Chinese Proverb, but it is so true. When I began thinking of doing SK Communications four years ago, my copywriting business, some comments I heard were, "You'll never be able to support yourself. There's no security in working like that." It was the same thing for Twentity.com but I didn't care. I knew what I wanted and I went for it. Even now, the comments continue though I've been doing well with both businesses. That is when I refer to the above quote and put the negative comments out of my mind.

"You only have one life and one chance to do all the things that you want to do."

So when you are all excited about something you are going to do, whether it's starting your own business, buying property, changing careers, leaving that dead-end relationship or changing your hairstyle, don't let anyone stop you. You know what is best for you. Your friends and family will tell you that they know you and they know that this is something you don't really want to do. You're succumbing to outside influences: friends and the media. Who the heck do they think they are that they know you better than you? You have to live with yourself day in and day out. So you better make sure that when you look in the mirror you are satisfied with the reflection looking back at you.

Don't get me wrong, some people think they are honestly helping you and don't know that they are being negative. I've heard that you are supposed to get rid of negative people in your life but what if they are your family members? Are you supposed to stop talking to granny? I say to just don't tell them what you are doing. Or you could and let their negativity be the motivation you need to accomplish your goals.

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do." ? Apple Computers Advertisement

Related resources

Peak Performance

How to Accomplish Your Goals No Matter What

ChaChanna Simpson is the publisher and editor of Twentity.com, the free e-zine for twentysomethings, featuring cheap and free events every other Wednesday. Subscribe at http://www.twentity.com

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