To Boldly Go

For the first time in many years, Star Trek Fans will no longer be able to explore those new frontiers where no man has gone before. Thank heavens for reruns, videos and DVD's! One reason for the success of this TV series is because the storyline appealed to the human desire to explore the unknown. Our curiosity of what's around the corner to the next solar system and our capability to deal with unexpected challenges propel. inspire and motivate us forward even when circumstances may start us behind the starting line.

Now, imagine for a moment what's around the corner for you? Where you wish to go with your life? Can you vividly describe what you look like, where you are, what you are doing and most importantly how are you feeling as you boldly go forth?

Now, the hard question is why aren't you where you wish to be? If you truly desire to be somewhere else in your life, looking maybe a little differently, doing something that you always wanted to do and feeling like you haven't felt like in years, then what's holding you back from pushing forward to this new frontier? The answer is simply - You!

You are the greatest obstacle to going where no one else has gone before. Of course, you may not reach the far edges of the galaxy, but who says you can't imagine them, draw them or even write them. And none of these actions can take place, unless you have an idea of what excites you ? your passion ? and why you are here on this earth at this time and place ? your purpose.

Have you taken the time to explore your passions? What as some have said lights the "fire in your belly?" Think back to when you were younger and what did you truly enjoy doing. Are you doing that now?

Much has been written about discovering your purpose. To me, purpose answers the simple question of "Why am I here?" To better understand my purpose, involves me identifying those gifts that I bring to the "table of life." What is interesting to note, is that many times our gifts are also our core values.

To explore new frontiers, begins by exploring those frontiers within you. And as always, that choice is yours.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. President of ADVANCED SYSTEMS, is the Process Specialist. With over 25 years of business and education experience, she builds peace and abundance by connecting the 3P's of Passion, Purpose and Performance through process improvement. Her ROI driven process solutions affect sustainable change in 4 key areas: financials, leadership, relationships and growth & innovation with a variety of industries. She aligns the strategies, systems and people to develop loyal internal customers that lead to external customers. As co-author of M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential:Living an Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement due for June 2005 release, Leanne speaks nationally to a variety of audiences. Please call Leanne a call at 219.759.5601 or email if you are seeking amazing results.

Copyright 2005(c) Leanne Hoagland-Smith,

Permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

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