That First Step To Massive Success

Do you ever procrastinate? So do I!

I had some work to do yesterday and I kept putting it off.

I thought to my self - IŽll wait until later when I feel more alert and in the right frame of mind to do it just right

Do you ever do this?

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. If I wait for the perfect moment I will be waiting a very long time.

With that in mind I just got started. I took the pressure off and stopped insisting that I create a perfect piece of work.

The endless pursuit of perfection and the craving for total and complete success at everything you do is a trap.

A dangerous trap.


Because it will stop you from getting started. And beginning is sometimes all you need to do to ensure success.

When you get the ball rolling, the gathering momentum will keep you going.

Listen to this...

Last week - I read an interview with a world-class marathon runner who has run some grueling races including ones where he ran a marathon a day each day for a week or more at a time.

When asked how he could take on such enormous physical and mental challenges without feeling overwhelmed he gave a simple answer.

He said he never thinks about it in terms of running a 26 mile race instead he focuses on taking one step.

And then another, and another...

Take one step at a time.

Complete it and then take on one more step. Do this and you can achieve some spectacular results.

About The Author

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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