Breaking Through Resistance

Why is it that every time you start something new, a million and one things get in the way?

You make a goal to lose weight and all of a sudden every time you go to the store you seem to notice the chocolate you've been craving.

Or you decide to start a writing project but every time you sit down to write - you're stuck, you don't have any inspiration. You can't seem to get moving forward.

Resistance always comes up when you start venturing into unknown territory - starting a new project or a home based business - it comes in many different forms.

For me, resistance shows up in the disguise of procrastination. It can take on a different shape for you. Procrastination is my resistance and it's a sign to me that I'm avoiding whatever it is that's new or different in my life. So when I see myself starting to put things off whether its organizing my home or working on a new project I have to take a step back and see the whole picture. What's going on that's making me put off this project? Once I figure it out the answer usually is fear of the unknown. I then dive right into it head on. And usually it's a lot easier and it goes by faster than I had anticipated.

Sometimes you just have to rock the boat to get it moving forward again.

You see, resistance to doing something or to trying to reach your goal is just a test to see if you really truly want what you're striving for. So when you have those moments of resistance, no matter how they show up in your life, take a time out and think about what you're resisting and think about whether you want to stay stuck or if you want to move on to the next level.

The choice is yours - either stay stuck where you're at or push through the resistance to get closer to your goal. Are you willing to take it to the next level? Are you willing to make the push to go forward?

Push yourself to new levels when you feel the resistance. At that point, right where there is the most resistance, when those feelings of doubt, guilt and uncertainty creep in - that is the exact moment where you need to keep moving. Take that next step through the resistance. Put one foot in front of the other and with each step the road gets easier. The resistance starts to fade into the background. That resistance becomes a memory and when you look back you'll be amazed at how easy it was to pull yourself through.

It may seem like a huge step but it's a necessary one. Don't let the resistance defeat you. Stand up and fight, then move on. It's easier than you might think. When you get off track get right back on. The keys to breaking though resistance are recognizing its many forms and being willing to rock the boat.

About The Author

Selena Richardson is the editor of Creation Daily, a free motivational ezine delivered five days a week. Are you ready to create your journey in life? If so, subscribe: or visit for more information

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