Ill Put My Money On The Kid!

Now, the Fun Part. It is nigh time to find a way to take all the buck out of this bucking bronco we call the internet. I mean take all the gamble out of it!! This bronco is waiting to hand over to you all the true riches of life.........and obtain whatever you want... money, health, love, recognition, prestige. But, you gotta know something critical!

Let's Recap.

You have put up the snazziest looking website this side of heaven; you have suffered through all the expenses of designing the site; finding a hosting company; selecting the slickest domain name that any dot com company on the internet would be proud of. And what's happening? CROWDS of people are not showing up to your website.

That's a Problem! What's the Solution?

You may not realize this, but, very little separates you from the success you desire. A whole lot less than what you think. Most of the people, who have achieved greatness, did so not because they had a head full of smarts, but because they found the inner power within them to go for the gusto. And, the same spot at the top of the ladder is waiting for you too.

You want to know why? Because there is ALWAYS room at the top. Too many people don't want to go there. They are satisfied to stay right where they're at.

Ask yourself this question. How successful are you right now? Don't answer that. No, I'm kidding. I guarantee you, whatever level of success you have achieved so far is more tied to your attitude than your aptitude. Success on the internet or any other playing field can be narrowed down to a systematic formula that never fails.

Desire is the Beginning!

Listen, there is magic in desire. There is hope, there is fire, and it's the fuel that drives us human beings to achieve greatness.

Let me give you a story to make a point. This is cute. During the depression of the 1930's there were a lot of families starving. No, that's not cute, just hang with me. And in a very busy city there was a little kid who wanted to make some money to help his family.

He decided to sell home grown tomatoes on a busy street corner but he was continually run off by bigger kids who threatened to make his head into a tomato. Dejected he walked away every day until one day he decided to take his tomatoes into a very busy restaurant. He walked up to the first table and sold 2 tomatoes.

Then a customer at a 2nd table saw what he had and he bought two. Then the owner of the restaurant came over and ushered him out. Well, he watched through the window until the owner was out of sight and he went back in and sold 5 more tomatoes at two other tables. Then the owner ushered him out again. But, he had already sold 9 tomatoes.

He watched again and at the right time walked back in the restaurant and started selling again. The customers really liked his gumption and started laughing; they were really enjoying the show. And, one of the customers said to the owner, "leave the kid alone". And within five more minutes he had sold all his tomatoes.

The next day the little boy went back to the same restaurant and the owner ushered him out again. He went back in again and everyone laughed and the owner threw up his hands and said what's the use.

Did you sense the DESIRE in this kid? Did you feel a sense of rejection? Were you waiting for the kid to kick the owner in the shins and run for his life? When I first heard it I was. :>) But, I was a rotten and mischievous little kid anyway myself. Would YOU have kept going back inside? Ah!... now I bet we hit a nerve. Now, analyze what this kid did. It was the depression, his family needed money. And he hated the taste of tomatoes. Nah.......I just made that up, that's not true. But, I bet he was sick of eating tomato sandwiches though. Needless to say, this was all the motivation he needed to move him to action. Over and over.

Next, he discovered a technique. By walking back into the restaurant numerous times he discovered a method that allowed him to sell tomatoes in restaurants everyday. In learning this method he gained knowledge and inspiration. He learned what to say and how to say it. The more he sold the more motivation it gave him.

Now think about this. This little kid became successful at selling tomatoes. And, he didn't have the internet to help him. Why? Because the internet is NOT one of the 3 key ingredients to success. You already know Desire is the number one, and you will find out what number 2 and 3 are in later articles. Pretty sneaky huh?'

When You Start Something......Don't Stop Till You Get It!!

When you don't get what you expect...........inspect what you got!. So, what do you do when everything goes wrong? What do you do when there is no place to turn? What do you do when every gremlin in West Texas is chasing you with a big stick? What do you do when all the spammers in Outer Mongolia are bombarding your inbox so that it looks like Buddha's Belly?

I'll tell you what to do. You do just like that little kid did and look for the right time to go right back in that store and sell another tomato. But understand, you won't go back in that store until you become dissatisfied with what you GOT!

And when you don't get what you expect, and you inspect what you got, and what you got is not what you want, then you're in a prime position for the fire of desire to burn a trail of dissatisfaction in you a mile wide and a yard deep. And,...... If it doesn't........ Then just go rub Buddha's Belly. Nah....., I'm kidding. Don't you get mad at me.

When the fire of desire becomes so ingrained in you that it forms without you realizing it, then you will not have arrived, but you'll be well on your way.

End Part 1 of 3

By Richard Vegas © 2002 Oct.

About The Author

Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" at:

You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at:


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