I Give Up! How to NOT Say Those Words!

Boy, I tell you....it seems the world is just going crazy these days! The economy is going haywire, the war is started, and things just seem to be out of control!

Most of us know how hard it is to keep our business going with all the work and time it requires in just the everyday whirlwind of life. How in the world in such crazy times, do we keep from just saying, "I Give Up!?"

There are several things we can do to energize our brains and our bodies. Taking good care of ourselves is our best defense against feelings of hopelessness, the feeling of being overwhelmed and just plain down-in-the dumps feelings!

Get Some Sun - After being indoors so much during the winter, we need to get out and get some of that springtime sun! The sun is very good for your mind and body. But, do remember to wear protection so you don't get too much exposure.

Eat Healthy Foods - This we all know of course, and it is much easier said than done, but just try to change one meal at a time or add one healthy food at a time.

Take a Good MultiVitamin - A good vitamin can do a lot for you, especially if you don't eat right. You should, however, talk to your doctor before taking any vitamins.

Get Daily Fresh Air and Exercise - We all need that fresh air and lots of exercise. Take a nice quiet early morning walk everyday to get your blood pumping and your brain alert!

Take a Break and Just Do Nothing - When you are feeling overwhelmed just take a break and do "nothing". If you are like me, you feel like you have to be busy and/or working every minute of the day. If this is you, try short five minute breaks to start with and move up to 15 or 20. We all need breaks no^w and then!

Stretch - Take five or ten minutes and do some stretching exercises. These feel absolutely wonderful and can be very invigorating and refreshing!!

Talk to Others - Call a friend or family member and just talk for a while. Share your thoughts and feelings and more than likely they will have you feeling better in minutes!

Have a Little Fun - Turn on some music and dance around the house a bit or do some reading or whatever you like to do. Forget about business and just be glad to be alive!

Push Away from Your Desk - Push away from that desk and just get up and walk around for a few minutes. Putz around the house for awhile and do an odd job or two. Then come back to your puter screen. Do not spend too long in front of the computer at one time.

Close Your Eyes and Drift Away - Just sit back for a moment or two, close your eyes and let your thoughts drift away to wonderful and magical place! Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. When you come back to reality you should feel a bit refreshed!

Enjoy Time with Your Family - Spend some time with your family. Play a game, take a walk, watch a heart warming family adventure movie, or just sit and talk. No matter how hard we work, we have to make time for our family!

There are lots of ways to "refuel" ourselves, but actually doing them is not so easy. We think we don't have the time, but if we keep ourselves refreshed and healthy, we can probably get more work done in less time and never feel like we want to "Give Up!"

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com

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