Limitations Real Or Imagined, Stick Em In A Pigs Eye!

It's about time to take a real hard look at what you think about yourself. What do you really think you're capable of? What if I told you that you could walk on water? Would you believe me? Well, what if I told you that you could never be an important person? What would you say to that?

Against All Hope!

What you are capable of doing first and foremost rests with what's between your ears. The next most important thing I can share with you is our limitations, whether they are real or imagined, will leave us a day late and a dollar short.

There's hope. A very positive person will look at all limitations as opportunities. A very negative person will look at limitations as roadblocks or, even failures looking for a place to happen.

Now obviously, there are certain things that are universally considered limitations. For example, I'm not going out and jump off the top of a building thinking I won't get hurt when I hit the ground; because gravity is not going to be my best friend if I decide to do that.

But, on the other side of the coin, I have accomplished things in my life that, at the first, would have made the parting of the Red Sea look easy. Why even Moses would have been proud of me! :>) Nah?I'm kidding. But, we all have had accomplishments at times, that we have no idea at all how we ever did it.

As Good As It Gets!

Well, why did we attempt it? Because at the time, our perceived limitations didn't look so big. If the limitations were there at all, they certainly didn't make themselves real in our consciousness. If they had, we might have done a soft shoe shuffle.

What was the outcome? Well, we succeeded. Why did we succeed? Because we tried. Why did we try? Because we didn't believe we would fail. So, that combination of action and absence of our own perceived limitations put a fire in our desire hotter than a garlic milkshake.

When roadblocks stuck their ugly head up, we just whizzed on by them. Because there was nothing holding back our will. That's where the rub comes in most cases. It's not the problem, the obstacle, or the size of the project that defeats us. Mostly, it's our own preconceived limitations, whether real or imagined.

A Word To The Wise!

In all truth, now listen carefully, this is not some new revelation but I want to say it a little differently to make it strike your thinking. You will never "REALLY" know whether or not your limitations will hold you back until you try, so why not try.

I mean think about it. What is the worst thing that can happen? Could the thing eat you? Then best not do it. Makes sense, right? Could it cause you to lose an eyeball? Then best not do it. That makes sense too. But, only you can decide whether the dangers of trying outweigh the benefits and joy of succeeding.

Once that question is settled in your mind, it's time to charge ahead and allow all preconceived limitations to die on the vine. Again, your own preconceived limitations will cause you more agony than going for the gold. Once the worst of all possible scenarios is surveyed, then we can decide if it is worth the energy.

The problem is: most people don't do the surveying first. They just let the preconceived notions swell and swell until they become as nervous as a pregnant possum.

Enough To Flip Your Lid!

Well, if it is worth the energy, there will still be plenty of opportunities to give-in to our limitations. What makes it so stressful, is our minds are constantly shifting back and forth; I can, no I can't, I can, no I can't.

With every obstacle that surface, our mind is doing it's very best to see if we "really" want to do this. And, sometimes, we do our best to listen. I have discovered that the only meaningful successes I have ever had was when I didn't sway back and forth in that kind of double-minded-ness.

You want to know what a double minded person is? A person who is attempting to operate in faith and fear at the same time. When you are double minded, the "can't" side of your mind makes you focus on your limitations. When you are focused on the limitations, instead of the end result that you desire, it doesn't matter whether the limitations are real or imagined, they will just make you feel dumber than home made dirt because you don't really know for sure.

Now, sometimes the universe just feels sorry for us and gives us a little bone. You know what I mean; it's like being a little bit pregnant. Just enough to make us aggravated and want to jump in with both feet, and, the next time we'll show the thing what we're made of.

But, don't misunderstand the universe. It's not trying to hold us back. Oh, No?., It just wants to know what we believe. And, if we show a full steam ahead attitude, then the universe says, now, that's the Spirit.

In A Pigs Eye, You Say!

Oh Yeah! Then what happens is, the TEST! Oh yeah, we showed our confidence and our boasting and now the universe says "test time". Now don't get paranoid. This is supposed to happen. If it were not for the test, we would all have enough money to burn a wet dog.

I know that's a nice thought, but remember, gravity won't go away and neither will the test. It's part of the equation and necessary for our growth and development.

Here is what is happening. As an illustration I'll use gravity again. Gravity is always trying to make airplanes crash. It is ever trying to bring them down. But, there is a higher law, and that is the law of lift.

Now do you think that airplanes could ever have flown if everyone believed that the limitation of gravity was impossible to overcome? Sure, gravity is a big limitation, and it's real, but there is also a way to overcome it. And, that's our job: to find a way to make it work, without killing us, or putting our eyeball out, or ending up with foot-in-mouth disease.

Put A Fork In Me, I'm Done!

There is always a way to overcome real or imagined limitations. If man can fly; if we can float an aircraft carrier; what!! You mean you can float that much steel? Yeah, that's right: If so, then your limitations can kick the bucket too.

Richard Vegas ©

About The Author

Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: You may also hear some of Richard's free music at:


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