Staying the Course

Are you willing to stay the course? Once you have decided on a course and set sail toward your destination, you will undoubtedly face moments along your journey, perhaps even long stretches, where it seems that you are not making progress toward your goal even though you are doing the things necessary to reach it. We've all heard the saying "it's darkest before the dawn" and it's often true that we are on the verge of great success when it is most difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Staying the course when the results do not seem to be coming can be challenging. However, we must not quit when we have a dream that we are pursuing. As Winston Churchill said "Never, never, never give up!" There have been many times during the process of building my business when I have been discouraged and tempted to quit. Often results did not happen as quickly or in the way that I had planned. Through this experience, I have learned to be patient with myself and the process, to persist when progress seemed to elude me, to relax and enjoy the journey, and most importantly to internalize and fortify my belief in the outcome I desire.

Stay the course! Don't abandon ship! If you believe in your dream and are willing to see it through, you will surely enjoy the sweet reward of success when you arrive at your destination.

Four Tips for Staying the Course....

1. STAY POSITIVE. Your mental attitude toward your situation is all-important. If you think possibilities, you will be better able to focus on the opportunities that are present in setbacks or lulls. You become your own tyrant when you surrender your will to negative thoughts. Keep a positive attitude, knowing that you have what it takes to succeed.

Ask yourself: What is my attitude toward my situation?

2. PULL vs. PUSH. You can't push a rope. And neither can you make progress most efficiently by pushing and forcing outcomes. In coaching, we work with clients to become more "attractive" so that they effortlessly draw to themselves what they want in life and move away from seducing or pushing to produce outcomes.

Ask yourself: What am I attracting into my life? Am I pushing or pulling?

3. BE PERSISTENT. Continue to take action daily toward your dreams and goals. Patience and persistence are the crowning qualities of self-confident champions. Think of the gardener who plants a seed and then waits for it to sprout and grow. He waters and nourishes the seed even when he doesn't see immediate results, having faith that the seed will develop into a beautiful plant. Persist!

Ask yourself: What will I do today for my dream?

4. HAVE A SUCCESS PARTNER. Having a success partner to encourage and support you especially when you are discouraged or frustrated can make the difference in achieving a goal. Sometimes our vision is blurred by distraction or discouragement. Having a supportive partner who wants big things for you and believes in you can help you stay the course. You can do it on your own, but you don't have to do it alone.

Ask yourself: Why not give myself the benefit of having a success partner to support me in staying the course?

"Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal." ~Elbert Hubbard

About The Author

Pat Morgan, MBA and Professional Coach, has 10 years experience helping teams manage organizational and cultural change. As President of Smooth Sailing, she supports individuals and organizations in managing change, improving performance and achieving excellence both professionally and personally. She has created and led workshops and seminars for organizations such as: the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and Rotary International.

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