No Money Down Mortgage Loans - Ways To Get Approved For a Home Loan Online With Zero Down

No money down mortgage loans enabled more people to own their own home. The following ways will help you get approved for a home loan online with zero down.

Good Credit Ratings

In order to qualify for a zero down mortgage, you need to have good credit. The high-risk of having zero down make many mortgage lenders picky about late payments. Typically, after three years of perfect payments and a FICO score of 600, you can qualify for a zero down mortgage.

Money Factors

Zero down mortgage loans are a higher-risk for mortgage lenders, so they like to see higher cash reserves of applicants. Mortgage lenders also like to see a low debt to income ratio, so pay down short-term debts like credit cards. Additionally, a long employment history proves you have reliable income, a desired trait by mortgage lenders.

Save For Closing Costs

Most mortgage lenders will require you to pay the closing cost of a mortgage loan, even a zero down mortgage loan. These fees often will run into the thousands, but some lenders will add this into the loan up to 3%. You can negotiate this with your mortgage lender, particularly if you are a first time home buyer.

Don't Overbid On A Home

With a zero down mortgage, you can only borrow what the home is appraised for. However, many home buyers overbid on the price of the home, making them ineligible for a zero down payment mortgage.

Make sure your potential home is in an area with rising real estate prices, so the mortgage lender will be more likely to approve the loan. Also, find out the appraised value of the home before making a bid to ensure you don't go over your limit.

Be Flexible

It is estimated that only one in four zero down mortgage loan applicants complete the loan process. Some are denied due to the mort stringent requirements, but many choose to put down at least a small down payment.

When you apply for a mortgage loan, be flexible with the options presented to you. You may find a piggy-back loan, a small down payment, or an interest only loan are better financial choices for your situation.

To view our list of recommended mortgage lenders online, visit this page: Recommended Mortgage Lenders Online.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website online about various types of loans.

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