Low Budget Wedding Reception

The reception alone will bust your wedding budget if you're not careful. Of course, the most obvious way to save money on the reception is to keep it small. Where you host this grand occasion could make or break you.

Your low budget wedding remedy? Find a reception location that's free or low cost.

A free location may include, your home, or a friend or family member's home. A low cost option might include the Church reception hall, the local fire department's reception room, and club hall rentals. Most will have a kitchen area for preparing and serving food.

Sometimes you will even find a local restaurant that specializes in low budget wedding receptions. These will likely offer a package for the reception which may include dinner and limited beverage with the rental of restaurant space or banquet rooms. Check hotels in your area for banquet rooms as well. Some may rent the banquet room alone and/or offer reception packages as an option.

Leave no stone unturned in your search! You may happen upon a gem of a deal that will save you alot of money. Ask around. Get recommendations from friends and family. Do a local search on the internet. We have several plantations in our area who offer wedding reception packages. These are elegant locations and are usually competatively priced; Including options for the low budget wedding.

Make a list or chart to record all your findings. Record not only price but services available, and packages available. Then you can compare where you will get the most for your money.

For instance, you may be able to rent a space for a really cheap rate and hire outside catering for the dinner. But, if you find a location that costs more but will offer you a package that includes the catering, it may be the better deal in the long run.

The one big exception to this scenario is if you opt for a potluck reception. Many guests may be pleased, if not relieved, to be given the choice to bring a reception dish in place of a wedding gift. You will find that low budget reception packages usually come with a low budget menu as well. If you choose this option, you will save greatly on catering expenses. I am certain your guests will be more pleased with the menu selections. This would be your best low budget wedding option and will save the most money.

The Potluck Reception

Don't be shy to pursue this potluck reception idea. It is truly the traditional way to celebrate. And, it is truly the number one low budget wedding option.

Today's weddings are so commercialized. You will learn that caterers offer very limited menus to very limited budgets! Guests will likely be very pleased and welcome the idea of a potluck reception.

The potluck reception goes well with any wedding theme. If you are shy about approaching this option you can simply call it an "Old Time Traditional Wedding Celebration" The potluck dinner will suit this theme quite naturally and no-one will even question it!

You may even want to pick an "Old Time" theme for your decorating and favors. This will further incorporate the idea of an old time tradition theme. Perhaps a 50's theme or a 20's theme. These are both popular old time themes.

Simply slip an added note with the invite, or on the invite, to give guests this option. For example the note might read...

~Our reception will be an "Old Time Traditional Celebration" with a potluck dinner. ____ Please check here if you would like to bring a dish for the reception in place of a wedding gift. Call with dish suggestions please.

Have them call to get or offer suggestions on a dish so you have control over the menu. No one is obligated to particitpate, but I'm sure you will be surprised at how many guests will opt for this.

You and your guest will be equally surprised at the great variety and quality of the dishes provided. Guests will want to bring only their best recipes to a grand occasion such as a wedding reception!

Cheryl Johnson is a mother of four helping herself and others become and remain debt free. Publisher of Simple Debt Free Living at http://www.simpledebtfreeliving.com - A self-help plan, ideas, and resources for household budget planning, debt elimination, and frugal living tips. Money saving tips for groceries, clothing, monthly bills, medical expenses, home and car buying, weddings, gifts, and much more.

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