Mark Twain?s Great Marketing Idea

To tell you the truth (and about 53% of this article is true), I don't know where I heard this story about Mark Twain. But I've heard it enough times to verify that it's either (a) at least half true, or (b) a credible lie.

Anyway, it's seems that in the early 1850's Twain ? then known as Samuel Clemens ? found himself in San Francisco without a job. The reason he was there, I believe, had something to do with the Gold Rush.

Twain loved the town, and wanted to stay. But to do so he had to find a job. Since he'd worked on a newspaper before, he applied at a big publication there.

No thanks, the editor said. We don't need any writers right now. And even if we did, we don't have money in the budget to pay them.

Twain countered with an amazing offer. What if he agreed to work for free? I'll write for you, Twain said. You publish my work, and if people like what I write, maybe you'll hire me.

You can guess the rest of this report. The editor loved Twain's work, hired him, and Twain's career continued to build. But what if he'd simply walked out the door that day?

The moral of this story: Free is pretty hard to refuse. Next time you have trouble winning a client, how about offering to do a project for free, just to show what you can do?

Rix Quinn's new book "Words That Stick" is inexpensive, and offers lots of writing ideas. You can get it from you local bookstore, or /1580085768/qid/

For details on Quinn's workshops and consulting services, e-mail him at

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