How to Set Up & Organize Your Customer Mailing List For Optimum Results

Your list of customers who have previously bought from you isyour most important asset. These are the customers who willprovide you with return business, which is more profitable thanthe first sale. But, are you getting the most from your customerlist? There are some secrets you should know, so you can squeezethe most benefits out of your mailing list.

Most business' customer lists consist of this information: Name,Address, City, State, Zip. That's it. Unfortunately, thismailing list is almost worthless. You need to have moreinformation in your files than just that. I have 32 informationfields in my customer database! You should be able to set theseup in your computer's database, or, if you don't use a computer(you REALLY should), all this information should fit on a largesize index card in a card file. Here are some more useful fieldsto include in your customer database:

LastName; FirstName; Title; Position; CompanyName; Address1; Address2; City; State; Zip; PerPhone; BusPhone; FaxPhone; InqDate; ReferSource; FollowUp1; FollowUp2; SubDate; SubAmount; RenewDate;Purch1; Purch1Date; Purch1Amount; Purch2; Purch2Date; Purch2Amount; Purch3; Purch3Date; Purch3Amount; TotAmount; Comments; Cust#

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