Creating Assets: Spark Your Thinking With These 16 Comprehensive Questions

Here are some questions to get your thoughts and cash flow moving that will also keep your product creating aligned and focused.

Find your gold mine in your surroundings by looking at any promotional literature you have created, audio or video tapes you have produced, press releases or articles about or by you, your product catalog or list and even your business card.

1. What is the one single important subject from your experience or knowledge that you want to tell the world about? If you have a list or create a list, which one speaks to you the loudest?

2. What are you most frequently surprised about that people ask about in your subject area? Track all the questions people are asking -- they are telling you what they are willing to buy. It is usually something so common sense to you that it escapes your radar. Be observant for a month and you will be amazed on what pops up.

3. When you created your list or selected the single important subject, look to narrow down this topic into segments. Can these segments be a product or service on their own? Most of the time it can be.

4. How will you spread the word -- what will be your marketing tool for this subject/segment? Think how buyers want to hear about it (not what's in your comfort level -- that is if you want it to be easy as possible -- however it doesn't have to be). Can this become a profit center for you? If yes, how? What are your ideas and thoughts?

5. What is the top thing you want people to know about this subject/segment? Is it a new skill, perspective, attitude, expanding general knowledge, wisdom -- what?

6. Does the information need to be presented in logical order or randomly?

7. What do you want people to do or not to do, change or move during or afterwards with this? How will this benefit them?

8. Who besides this market can benefit from this? Are there any other specific markets that this would apply to? Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, who?

9. Is there any specific words or language for this topic/subject/segment? If not specific, what words appear more frequently than others? Create a list of keywords that you might search on the Internet if you were looking for information on this.

10. Think back to a time when you first learned about this topic/subject/segment. Did you keep any notes or journal entries? Did you receive an aha moment when you learned a principle or key about this? Yes, then write about the story/aha moment.

11. Do some research on the Internet and Amazon. What other information is available on this? How old is this information? Create a file in your word processing software and call it "[your topic/subject] research." Do the research in small chunks or big ones. Don't read until you have collected 10-20 pages. Set a time limit on the research and/or number of pages of research notes. Don't forget to track the URL source. Keep cutting and pasting the information in as you progress.

12. What do people need to know about you? Why do you want to tell this or teach it? Do you have any credentials, if not, that's okay to, however, what is your experience on this topic? More times than not, life training is worth a lot more than credentials.

13. Do you have any other information that connects or compliments this topic/segment? Another article, booklet, audiotape -- anything -- go-ahead pull it out and gather it all together.

14. Have you heard any short anecdotes on this topic? If so, what were they, who was the source? Can you interview them to hear it again? Give them the credit; it makes you more attractive on the topic?

15. Does your information need visual assistance? Graphics, pictures, charts, models. Anything come to mind as a possibility? Draft out every idea so they can grow. Use the research you are doing to spark your creativity. If someone presents it in words, can you do it in a model or drawing?

16. Are there any ebooks on the topic? What about special reports? Paid or free? If purchased, does it compliment your topic or how can you create a different angle and use it to compliment? Can you create an affiliate with their product? Do you want to use it as a marketing lead-in or as a bonus?

Boy, that was tough thinking about all this and answering these questions. Yes, I agree. Yet, as I know you well see while reading them, how important they are to your success.

Now, the tough time comes, you need to sit down and answering them. Not just once, however, on a regular basis. Like minimum once a year.

Take the time, it's the best time you will ever spend working "on" your business. Best wishes on your journey. If you need guidance, let me know.

Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: blog:

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