Build your Trade Show - Virtually

Virtual trade shows are gaining momentum as a way to encourage participation in the event - both live and online. Here are a few ideas to help you expand your trade show - virtually.

1. Provide a map of the show floor that matches the live show. Link each booth on the map to the vendor's virtual booth.

2. Have each online show visitor register. Give them an ID number to make it easy to request more information from the vendors online, rather than having to fill out forms at each virtual booth.

3. Let visitors search at least three ways: company name, booth number, or type of products.

4. Have the grand opening of your virtual trade show at least 2 weeks before the conference.

5. Encourage each vendor to offer a "show special" that is featured on their trade show page.

6. Offer coupons booth that online visitors can print and bring to the live show. As the organizer, you should plan to offer special coupons online as well. Consider a free drink coupon or a special souvenir of the conference, only available with the coupon.

7. Provide online stations in the exhibit area so that live visitors can visit the online trade show. Provide a printer to print coupons or number the coupons so that they can bring the number to the booth for the "special" discount.

8. Use a digital camera at the live show to take a picture of each booth. Add the photos to the vendors' pages for after-the-show identification.

9. Leave the show online for at least three months after the live show so that attendees can follow up. Consider a year-round show with vendors who sign up for next year's live show participating all year long for a reduced fee.

10. Offer a virtual booth only fee to vendors who cannot be at the live show. Price it accordingly.

11. Include a means for vendors to create their virtual booth at your site. A full booth might include a Front Page, a Back Wall, Right and Left Sides, plus a page for specials. As an alternative, a lesser fee could provide just a Front Page with a link to their site.

12. Open links to vendors' company sites in a new window. That way you don't lose the traffic. Once they close the other window your site is still in the background waiting to be seen again.

Dr. Jeanette Cates is an Internet strategist who works with experts who are ready to turn their knowledge and their websites into Gold. Her reputation as a speaker and trainer has earned her the title of The Technology Tamer. Jeanette shares her news and views in

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