Driving of work trucks

Each time you or one of your work crews cruises down the road, people see the vehicle. It is logo'ed and that advertising is there to be noticed. If you cut some one off, believe me they will know who did it. They'll tell their friends and you'll be sorry. If you see a lady trying to pull out into bumper-to-bumper traffic, let her cut in. If you see a mom in her minivan with kids at a traffic signal, be courteous. Signal her with a pleasant hand motion to 'please go ahead of me.' Mouth the words also and as they pass salute her and wave at the kids or flash your head lights. You are such a nice guy or gal they'll think. With every one in such a hurry, it's refreshing to know the crews in your company vehicles still care. If you work in a big city with a population of 100,000 or more, your gesture will be remembered, recognized and appreciated even more. You see in a big city, you will be outside the norm. They will think you are from a far away city where people are still friendly.

In our company we heard about a competitor who made a really poor choice while driving. It was their company's loss and out company's gain. We are in the mobile car and truck washing business.

Stories are fun ? let's look at this one:

Ron, a small time competitor of one of our franchisee's, did a pretty quality job. Even though he had a beat up pickup and a scruffy look about him, he was an awfully nice guy.

Ron had done good for himself washing vehicles over the years. Nothing spectacular but he managed to pay the bills. In any case, he had one major industrial account, a beer distribution outfit with 45 trucks. He charged $15.00 per truck and washed them one a week. The price was more than the local Car Wash Guys franchisee bid but the owner of all those beer trucks kept Ron around because he had been washing trucks there for five years. One day one of Ron's workers was speeding down the road with Ron's trailer on Ron's truck. A lady mistook the speed of the rig and almost caused an accident by pulling out in front of Ron's rig. Ron's worker tailgated the lady with his high beams on for about a mile. He also had honked at her for about 20 seconds. To top it all off, he gave her 'the finger'. Ron showed up late for washing the beer trucks on Saturday by only 30 ? 35 minutes. He had only been late four times in the past five years. He was fired and lost the account on the spot. The owner didn't tell him why, just asked for the gate key.

Our franchisee had been trying to get the account for over six months and rushed over when the owner of the beer distributor called. Ron never knew what happened but the story was explained to our franchisee. The lady in the car was the wife of the owner of the beer company. Also, his two kids were in that car.

Ron, a nice guy lost not only a great account, but a lot of money. The Beer Company had 45 Trucks multiplied by $15 price per truck which is $ 675.00 gross income per week. There are four weeks per month so that is $2,700.00 gross income per month.

Ron should have hired responsible workers who cared about his business as much as he did. A hard lesson ? poor Ron and he doesn't even know.

It is surprising what a single figure and a little road rage can do for your business? Hire good employees and be courteous. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs

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