Spirits in the Corporate Boardroom.......Oh, sure......

There is a growing movement in the spiritual and holistic fields to bring a more metaphysical and human potential approach to the business community. Holism has been intergrating into both the health and mental health professions for many years now. The men's , women's and environmental movements are a part of that holistic shift in awareness. However, business seems locked into an older/ outdated model of operation. I have been exploring, training and researching methods to help business take that 'leap of faith', and try new perspectives and approaches....but it's tough to break into their locked mind set. Even when things are not working out......they can't seem to shift gears. In the last fifteen years or so there have been many large corporate failures.

However, then came the 9/11disasters which shook up the United States and impacted on the whole world. While the world must now face the real issue of terrorism, perhaps something positive can come out of the trauma. I hear, between the lines, that it's not 'business as usual' anymore. There was corporate karma hiding behind 'success stories'. This started to come to light with scandals and more failures. The economy faltered as we all know.

So, before we rebuild the US and World economy perhaps we need to decide just how to rebuild it. Do we simply go back to the old 'business as usual' as soon as possible, or move in a new direction?

Well, for me there is no choice since my spirit guides demanded that I bring them into corporate boardrooms where they will try to help solve many long term problems. So, they have been training me for a decade now..just for this task. I told them, good luck...just leave me out of it ...... that's a place I don't want to go!

Perhaps they knew all along what was going to happen. Perhaps now, with all the shifting going on the Planet we might be more open to [ spirit at work ]. We will have to wait and see.............

Jerry is a former psychotherapist and is currently a professional shaman. He publishes an online magazine and newsletter dealing with shamanism and holism as they apply to life and business. You can reach the magazine at this address: http://www.jeremiahhuck.workzsites.com

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