Attitude - The Marketers Most Important Trait

Attitude is a key part of each of us. A central part of our make-up, who we are as individuals. It is also a major factor whether you succeed at what you do or fail. Your attitude about life can give you many different outcomes to a situation, the choice is up to you.

For an example, let's say you just woke up on your day off with plans of doing something outside, to find an unexpected downpour of rain. You can look at the situation in different ways, each will have a different outcome. The choice is up to you.

Scenario one - You are instantly disappointed, fly off cursing thinking "my plans are ruined!" You slump into a state of depression and anger that your entire day is shot. And now everything you do and everywhere you go is affected by this course of action. Your cat rubs on your leg and you kick it off breaking the new lamp you just bought. Your dog comes up licking your hand, you slap at it and he runs under the table, knocking over the table and dumping your breakfast in the floor.

Scenario two - You wake up glad to be alive and above ground. You notice that the wind is blowing and it is raining like cats and dogs. You realize that the days plans are completely wiped out. You shrug your shoulders as you prepare to fix breakfast. Thinking, "It will be a good day to spend inside and catch up on things in here, spend time with my loving pets." You get things done inside you had put off for months and enjoyed it.

My examples my be a little extreme, but you get the point. It is human nature to "react", the emotional side of us. We can change our outcomes a lot of times if we only start thinking, instead of reacting. Think, "Is this the best reaction to this situation?" If not, try and figure out how you are going to approach it another way.

Be willing to do what it takes. If you fail at something, try another approach. Don't give up when you are faced with a downturn. Work on ways to turn it up. Be willing to help your referrals. Make yourself available as a mentor and friend.

When we take the proper attitude, success itself may even have a different definition. It may be more about being satisfied with our efforts and the way we treat others than the amount on the checks we get.

Just what is success for you?

Lynn Harris began online marketing in 1998 after wading through the hype for a year. He is now editor/webmaster of A site and newsletter aimed at helping the new to intermediate online marketer. © 2005

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