Five Ways To Maximize Profit In Resale Rights Marketing

Product creation is usually one of the first concerns of an internet marketer. Conceptualizing a profitable idea and formulating a marketing plan to sell it is a relatively exhausting task. Not everyone is gifted with the creative juices to come up with a cutting edge concept.

Fortunately, there's resale rights marketing.

Many internet marketers actually sell their created products either because they have squeezed them dry of all possible earning potentials, or they feel that they'll earn more by selling the master rights to the same. This has paved the way for resale rights marketing, which is an ingenious method of making profit out of others' works.

Think of it first in the point of view of the creator. He'd come up with an e-book that he feels is worth $60. But his sales would depend on the success of his marketing campaign. What if he'd sell the master rights for the e-book instead to a hundred of his fellow marketers for $25 each? He'll earn an instant $2500, which is a surer profit than the uncertainties involved if he decides to market his e-book himself.

Now, let's look at it in the point of view of the resale rights marketer. He'd buy the master rights for $25. Granted that he'd share the same with 99 other people, the internet has a population of 50 million surfers at any given time. Surely the ratio does not convert to saturation of any target market.

Additionally, the resale rights marketer can repackage the product in so many ways that would seem novel and distinct from how it was marketed originally, or how the other master rights holders would market it.

It is important to note that there are two kinds of resale rights. First, we have the master resale rights that grant you, basically, every right the owner has, or had. Second, we have the limited resale rights, which carry with it certain conditions depending on the license.

Here are five options that a resale rights marketer can use to maximize the potentials of any products he plans to resell.

Re-brand, repackage, resell. If the resale rights marketer holds the master rights to the product, he could name himself as the author, change a few things here and there, and sell the product as something new.

Buy and sell. The resale rights marketer can also partake of the most fundamental principle of profit: buy low, sell high. In our illustration, the resale rights marketer bought the master rights to the product for $25. He could sell the same master rights for a higher amount. Or better yet, he could sell the product itself to many interested buyers at a price that he would deem sustainable and reasonable. Imagine if he succeeds on selling the product to 90 people for $10 each. That's $900 from a $25 investment!

Divide and distribute. The resale rights marketer can also divide the product into several components, and sell or use them individually. An e-book, for example, can be broken down to a series of articles which can be used as auto-responders, e-zine content, or chapters for other e-books.

Use it as a freebie. If the resale rights marketer holds the master rights to the product or is otherwise allowed by the license, he could bundle it with another one to increase the latter's value and justify a higher selling price. Or he could use the product as a freebie in a viral marketing campaign he is employing.

Have it auctioned. If the resale rights marketer holds the master rights to the product or is otherwise allowed by the license, he could have the product auctioned to the highest bidder. This would allow him to earn more than what he originally paid for!

There are many other ways by which the resale rights marketer can earn through this trade. The possibilities are only limited by his imagination!

Cedrick Reese is the webmaster of, the best products with Master Resale Rights. Start a easy Home-Based Business through Affiliate Marketing and Adsense. Other sites owned: and

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