Book Yourself Solid Key #4: Produce A Powerful Personal Brand That Sets You Apart

Copyright 2005 Michael Port & Associates LLC

Would you rather be a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond? No matter which pond you want to swim in? you're still going to have to become known for one thing if you want to get your trunks wet! The most successful professionals master one domain (the little pond) and then they go on to tackle bigger things.

Some people fear niches because they think it will limit their success or potential. That could not be farther from the truth. If you want to create a thriving business you must develop a personal brand that highlights two things:

1. Your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement

2. Your "call to action"

This dual purpose message communicates your offerings on two distinct and essential levels. Your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement tells people who you help and what you help them do. Mine is "I help service professionals book themselves solid." Your "call to action" connects you to the people you're meant to reach. It's the reason you do what you do ? your purpose. I'm the "guy to call when you're tired of thinking small."

So first off, tell potential clients who else you've helped in similar situations and how you did it. Remember you aren't the only one who can help them. Your competition may have a similar (or even the same) "WHO and DO WHAT" statement. Clients decide to hire you once they understand your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement and emotionally connect with your "call to action."


What is your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement? ________________________________________________

What is your "call to action"?


Find your niche and create a personal branding message that tells everyone what you can do to help them ("WHO and DO WHAT") and what it's like to be around you ("call to action"). Then go bravely forward? splish, splash and boldly express what you are known for!

Stayed tuned for Key #5

Michael Port is the President of Michael Port & Associates LLC and is known as the guy to call when you're tired of thinking small. To spend some more time with Michael and to think bigger about who you are and what you offer the world go to

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