Progress to Success

It was supposed to happen in thirty days. Buy the ebook with the holy grail to online success and then watch life unfold. But that was several months ago.

You sit and wonder what are you doing wrong. You have been over the same steps again and again but still nothing changes. You are considering giving up thinking that you are not cut out for this.

No wonder why 95 % of online marketers fail. Most are ready for some quick cash instead of digging in for the long haul. It is a human weakness which will always be exploited.

I have been there. Several years ago. But I am still here hanging around. What made me decide to stick around ? The quest to know the truth about Internet marketing.

The learning curve in online marketing can be steep indeed. But it is worth every day spent separating the myths from reality. Once you find out what really works, there is no stopping you.

The most important lesson you can learn is to be able to stick around. That's what those succeeding are doing. Stickiness. It can make you and your enterprises successful.

Persistence. That's the word. Learn all the marketing techniques there is, but don't leave out this mental attribute. Many have ride on it's wave to success, so can you.

Just remember that overnight success is usually years or months in the making. Not one day.

© Nicholas Dixon

Nicholas Dixon is a Jamaican webmaster, writer and affiliate marketer. Find out
how you too can create an online income with our list of highly recommended
programs by visiting *****************************************************

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