The Power Of A Dream - Success Always Start Off With A Dream

Back in the good old days of school, the teachers would often catch us for daydreaming in class and not paying attention. "Stop dreaming! Dreaming will get you nowhere," yelled the teacher. Is it really so? Does 'dreaming' really get you nowhere in life? The answer is 'Yes'...and 'No'. If you dream and you took massive action to achieve your dream, your dream could very well come true for you. However, if you dream and take no action, it remains just a powerless dream.

Every success in this world always starts off with a dream. A dream to earning passive income from Internet Marketing, a dream to Joint-Venture with well-known gurus and a dream to earn $10,000 a day from a web business. In short, in order to accomplish great things, you need to have a dream. A dream will give you the vision, the drive and the energy to channel all your available resources into it, propelling you to soar greater heights towards the fulfilment of your goals.

As the saying goes, "If you can see it, you can have it." If you were able to 'see' your dream in your mind, you would be able to work towards it. However, if you are not able to 'see' the dream at all, there is absolutely no dream for you to reach out to. When that happens, you will always remain at where you are and there will not be any significant breakthrough in your life. Not only must you be able to 'see' your dream, you must also see it with clarity. The image that you 'see' in your dream cannot be vague; it must be as clear as crystal so that you know exactly what you want and where you are heading to. Plus, you must be able to see yourself in that place, in that time, attaining or doing that thing which you so desire. The power of a dream will then be fully realized when you have given 'legs' to your dream.

As you reach out for your dream, I promise you that as you take massive action towards it, there will be obstacles to meet you along your journey. However, the power of a dream cannot be underestimated. By having an iron will to hold on to your dream, you will always find a way to conquer all obstacles that come in your way.

Start dreaming today! And remember, Dreams Do Come True.

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Justin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center ( and Fresh Resources (

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