Purpose filled Lives --The Big Picture!

"Can't see the forest because of the trees," heard it all my life, didn't really understand it until I jumped out of a plane though.

Last week I told you I went ski diving. Once the parachute opened I allowed myself to enjoy the ride. One thing I noticed was how thick the forest was below, how green the trees were and what things seemed close were in reality miles away. However, on the ground you wouldn't be able to see fifty feet in front of you because of all the limbs and bushes. And with that I realized how short sighted I had become, not only my vision, but also in my thinking. This tree, that tree, watch out for that poison oak, oh look out for that hole. After a while, where has the beauty gone? I didn't see green plush trees that went on for miles, all I saw was what I focused right in front of me.

In my younger days I would hear people say, "The proof is in the pudding". Well, I am here to tell you, the proof is NOT always in the pudding, nor is it in the beauty in the trees. In our lives it's the same way. We become so legalistic in our thinking and ways that we loose sight of the purpose Jesus has for us. What is the big picture? Is it in the pudding and the details NO, it's in the SOUL!! It's not about us, it's about others. Winning them to give their hearts to Christ. That is what it is all about, that's our forest, "as many as possible before I return." that is what he says.

Yet, we worry about what one may say, or the prim and proper way of doing something or want ingrediance is in this approach. The beauty is in conveying Jesus' love for us.

Failing to see the forest for the trees is like driving a car through some parking lot that has speed bumps. If you focus so much on the bump they feel larger than life, yet if you focus on your destination then a little bump here and another one there seems like a piece of pebble.

Don't let the little things get you down in life this week. Focus on the bigger picture and purpose of what Jesus has for you. One of the biggest tragedy's you can have is not living a life that Jesus has for you. The question is, "Can you say you are living it?" Life is not in the trees nor is it in the proof of the pudding, life is in Jesus Christ almighty. Live a purpose filled life this week.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! LOSE WEIGHT NOW! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz

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