The Origin of Americas Corporate Elite (BC)

Ephesus had a shrine to the Anatolian mother-goddess and the Cretan Lady of Wild Things that was later incorporated into the Greek worship of Artemis. (33) This magnificent statue has many 'cosmic eggs' on it that are extremely relevant to the Berber painting of ostrich eggs that are found in the Saharan finds mentioned in Carthage as well as connected to the Druid's eggs. A Cambridge scholar I saw on a TV show recently was still calling these eggs 'breasts'. It is ludicrous and almost funny if you look at a picture of the statue with over a hundred 'breasts'. What level of academic ineptitude is this? We have seen many who know the worldwide importance of the cosmic egg including Gimbutas, but then perhaps this scholar knows were his bread is buttered. Smyrna is mentioned by Grant going back long before our present focus and shows Amazons (Kelts as we have shown) were once a part of the picture, but this is probably before the fall of Ariadne on Crete and goes back to times such as Malta shows had 2800 years before the Great Pyramid - with no weapons. Smyrna is the site of a great Merovingian family with a name you'll quickly recognize. Onassis, who married into another Merovingian family through Jackie Kennedy. Thus we ask you to remember what the old saws do say about history repeating itself.

Smyrna was situated at the head of the gulf named after it, into which the River Hermus debouched. The original town, Old Smyrna, stood on a rocky peninsula (Haci Mutso) beside the north-eastern shore of the gulf. This settlement existed since Neolithic times, but its founders according to contradictory Greek legends, included non Greek Leleges {Phoenician pirates}, Amazons, and King Tantalus of Phrygia. (34)

'Non-Greeks' is no surprise in neolithic times because there were no Greeks. There was probably occasional settlements and conflicts over the area we now think of as Greece but remember Homer's 'DNN' and what many Greeks know to this day as they call themselves Danaus. We have shown lots of different proof and authority to connect them through Thrace to the Danube in periods before what we call Greece or Mycenaean culture.

The Phocaeans present us with acts that mirror the Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon as well, in terms of establishing emporiae or colonial trading posts. They also show us how mobile it was necessary to be after the Goddess (egalitarian 'Brotherhood') was brought to her knees. Just as important in our eventual connection with Britain is 'the ships of Tarshis' and Tartessus on the Iberian Peninsula where Spain and Portugal claim national privileges today despite all the horror they have wrought. It is recorded in many places that Milesians came from Iberia between 1500 BC and 500 BC just as the Spanish Armada later dumped a lot of Celtiberians into the genetic mix of Scotland and Ireland in more recent times.

Through all of this period from the end of the Hyksos invasions of Egypt there is growing aristocratic and macho oriented structure apparent within the Phoenicians of the Mediterranean despite the fact Egypt still allowed women to rule as we know from the numerous Cleopatras. The kings and supranational corporate entities were adding more power in every century and they were putting in place the control of armies as well as the priesthoods they always found willing to favour their desires. Yet the people and the merchant class were wary and we see Carthage through the eyes of Aristotle around 345 BC. He was surprised to find they still had an Assembly of the People which was actually strong and democracy was thriving there. (35) This political tug of war is still endemic in our society today. Around that time Pseudo-Aristotle writes that Carthage passed a law forbidding anyone (presumably without their approval) from going to America. When the Gracchi failed and the Republic of Rome failed (the Bruttii who killed Caesar and other good men of the Phoenician or Pythagorean and aristocratic genre became adapted to a new structure) a very big nail was driven deep into the ethic or even semblance of equality. The establishment of Caesar (later Kaiser and Czar are words from the same root) ended even the superficial appearance of a majority of citizens having equal say.

They {Phocaeans} took part in the activities of Naucratis in Egypt, where Phocaea was one of the twelve Greek cities which shared the temple of Apollo {Frazer's 'Golden Bough' documented Plutarch and others knew Apollo and others were representations of Osiris and the rituals at his representational graves included burning people with 'Red Hair') known as the Hellenium, dating from the time of the Pharaoh Amasis (c.569- 525) {Right at the key point of the Battle of Alalia}. By this time, too the Phocaeans, in their own native city, had built a temple of Athena, made of fine white porous stone. They also initiated what was to be an abundant and widely circulating electrum coinage (accompanied by issues of silver that were initially smaller), depicting the city emblem of a seal, and launching a long and varied series of miniature artistic designs. They were also famous for their dyeing industry.

{The Phocaean coin had the BEE emblem that has been found on Cretan digs going back to the Royal House of Mallia or Mile and Milesians to the third millennium BCE. We showed' 'purple' dye in Mexico and Peru where they had an industry of making this all important spiritual or royal colour. There was a time that modern academics like Nuttall thought this was the best evidence of transatlantic cultural exchanges with the Phoenicians. Could the Phocaeans have been there?}

But their most extraordinary accomplishment lay in the distant west. {N. B.} The first of the Greeks, according to Herodotus, 'to make long voyages', it was the Phocaeans who pioneered the remotest and most perilous routes. It was they, for example, who followed up the first Samian contacts with the kingdom of Tartessus around the mouth of the River Baetis (Guadalquivir) on south-western Spain (c.640), sailing not in merchant ships but in fifty-oared warships(so that cargo-carrying was sacrificed to speed and fighting capacity). The friendly relations that they thus established with the long-lived king of Tartessus, Arganthonius, secured the Phocaean adventurers a large share of the bronze, tin and silver in which the Spanish hinterland abounded.

Pliny the elder also adds a record of a certain Midacritus who is likely to have been a Phocaean. 'Midacritus', he observed, 'was the first to import 'white lead' (that is to say tin) from the 'Tin Island' (Cassiteris),' {He notes 'Midacritus' means approved of Midas which indicates a Phrygian connection. I suggest that Midas was the King of Lydia and part of the Phoenician from Pont to Tyre and Hittite connection going back to the Danube Kelts of Finias. Any Ionian states that were his neighbors could earn his approval. I emphasize EARN and suggest this is the person for whom the likes of today's IMF organizers and the Fed backers are really like.} by which he meant, however, not the Scilly Islands but Cornwall ('the Stannaries'). Tin was immensely important to the ancient world, since it was an essential constituent of bronze. It existed in various near-eastern countries as well as in Greece itself, but not in sufficient quantities to make supplies from the west unnecessary. Pliny's words might merely mean that Midacritus sailed to Tartessus, in order to pick up a cargo of tin which the Tartessians had acquired from Cornwall. But more probably he himself {Like Joseph of Arimathaea}, by way of Tartessus adventurously fetched the tin from Britain. On the assumption that Midacritus' expedition was in the mid-sixth century or a little earlier, he and his compatriots were choosing a good time for such enterprises, since their potential rivals the Phoenicians were preoccupied with the encroachment of Persia.

{Where did the Medes come from? Fred Eberg of the Univ. of Pennsylvania may have a clue in the Russian lost civilization of Turkmenistan. It is before Sumer and they say there was a language. There are dozens of large fortress like cities seen from remote sensing satellite equipment. On radio interviews I've heard he talks about re-writing history books in respect of it having a language, but before, it was the Danube Old European. Because it is unlike nearby Mesopotamian cultures in structures and script we can draw another connection to the Danube but we must wait for more details. They definitely irrigated the desert and that shouldn't surprise anyone, but it seems to surprise these 'experts'. The nearly delph-like china and other artifacts along the Silk Road doesn't move them to say for sure that China was part of the trading network, yet the Kelts were there in 3,000 BC according to National Geographic; 1000 years before they find the china materials.}

The Phocaeans also created the historic city of Massalia (Marseille) on the Mediterranean coast of Gaul, at the eastern fringe of the Rhone delta (C.600)." (37)

The Phocaeans had established joint colonies on the Black Sea with the Milesians at Samsun (Amisus) and the fact they could go to Spain and Britain makes it clear they could have taken the short route across the Atlantic from the west African Carthaginian outposts that lots of artifacts in South America seem to have come from (Amphorae, etc.). He doesn't address these probabilities but some of his numismatic friends have dealt with the coins found in America. He was President of the Royal Numismatic Society and a medalist in the Americas. The quotes from Mr. Grant speak to the necessary perspicacity and courage and his word usages seem open to this possibility but it would be academic suicide (or would have been when he wrote the book) for him to address these issues of such great impact. They knew the earth was a sphere and the 'Flat Earth' dogma didn't even exist until a millennium or more after the Battle of Alalia. Massalia also gave them access to the Rhone River routes to Britain, Brittany and Hallstatt Kelts. The actual time he is talking about probably saw the elite not using this valuable tin. Iron was everywhere but tin could be monopolized. The interesting point about all the wealth in these times that also might tie in with South America relates to the abundance of gold. There were times when Egypt valued silver more than gold. We are convinced there were at least two millennia before this; that corporate Phoenician enterprises were the dominant issue and trade with the Americas was a key factor.

Marseilles is still important to the drug trade but nearby Sardinia and its medieval castles going back to the Hyksos or Shardana once housed their bank and drug manufacturing. There were more emeralds than the Mediterranean produced and the gold from Peru along with those emeralds (which were used to view the stars by the Queen of Sheba) made some people very rich and yet still they made potions to hook whole cultures.

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at

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