Get Right! Make a Difference

Want to make a difference? What can one person do? The answer is everything! In its finest sense, the behavior of every one of us is central to the peace of the world. For the individual, the best thing we can all do is to practice Right Action, with all of its many implications. I have farmed some of them here for you from the book "Looking for a Better World."

. Do nothing that will harm others.

. Be informed. Follow the news. Form opinions that will promote peace and discuss such opinions openly.

. Encourage diversity, discourage bigotry.

. Study the World's Religions.

. Try to understand and appreciate the belief systems of others.

. Respect one another. Respect divergent views and differing habits.

. Be ethical, honest, trustworthy, loyal and open.

. Visit the Houses of other religions. Attend a service. Explore New Age concepts. Be open to all ideas while retaining the belief system of your choice.

. Discourage dissension at all levels. That does not mean honest agreement ... it means discourage travel away from the Right Path.

. Preserve the planet. Recycle. respect Nature.

. Always be kind and considerate. There is no small kindness and no good deed that is unworthy. When one receives a kindness he is more apt to do kind things.

. See only good in all things and all people. This is another piece of Right Action that will multiply ... and when you foster goodness it will "travel" great distances!

. Be flexible. Enjoy the opinions of others, bathe in their diversity, welcome honest debate.

. Work well. Give your employer your very best. Do not be satisfied with anything less!

. Give your family and friends your very best, always.

. Give service. The greatest men and women on the planet are those who serve. It is one of the greatest contributions you can make towards peace.

This is a list and a half! I know that ... but I also know that you can achieve personal greatness and success if you follow these ideas.

There are no secrets in the list ... in fact, my list here is just another way of repeating the ideals of the early Avitars. Such Ideals represent a Path well worth traveling and I commend to you the opportunity to be one of those who can, in time, say "I was one of those who made a difference."

Excerpts from a new book, "Looking for a Better World." Read more at: http://www.buybooksonthewe

Dr. Malkin holds a B.Sc. in Business and a Masters and Ph.D. in Religion. He has made hundreds of visits to schools with a moving and effective motivational presentation, urging teens to do their personal best. His mentoring programs have empowered many, many children. His quest for years has been to teach the power of Right Action, working towards the goal of a better world.

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