How A Golf Workout Routine Can Crush Your Competitors

A golf workout routine can be as simple as using a pair of hand weights (dumbbells), and doing 5-6 golf-specific exercises in less than 15 minutes. Now I know you have 15 minutes to dramatically improve your game and crush your playing partners and competitors.

So many times golfers think that a golf workout routine is in the gym, takes 2 hours to do, and will wipe out all the energy they have and ultimately hurt their golf game.

How wrong they are!

Yes?I can design a very comprehensive golf workout routine that has up to 20 golf exercises and will take 90 minutes to complete. And I have done that for hundreds of golfers. But what I want to talk about today is getting that belief and thought out of your head.

The equipment required to complete a simple golf workout routine in your home are; a stability ball, exercise tubing, and a pair of hand weights.

That's it!

You can do dozens of golf-specific exercises with the above equipment. But whatever you do, make sure you seek out a qualified golf fitness trainer, who knows golf. That is critical.

There are many "so-called" golf trainers out there, and all they are doing is the same "general" exercises?on machines that the average person looking to improve their fitness is doing.

That is not a golf workout routine. You can spot a person doing something for golf in less than 5 seconds, and it's not on machines. It's on their feet or on a stability ball, incorporating balance, stabilization and strength specific to the golf swing.

I want you to realize, if you do the wrong exercises it may hurt your game not help it. I've heard this scenario many times. A golfer starts weight training and doesn't know what he/she is doing and the result is shorter drives and higher scores. Not the result you want.

So seek out a golf fitness trainer and find out right away if they know golf. Ask a few golf questions. What causes a hook? What could be one of the reasons for coming out of your posture? What is a lateral slide?

You'll find out real quick if they know golf.

The end result is playing better golf?and of course taking all the money from your foursome!

So you see?it's not intimidating or time-consuming to start a golf workout routine.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Check out his new golf fitness - workout products site at Perform Better Golf.

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