How to Unleash Your True Golf Potential (Part 1)

Time and time again we see today's golfers out on the driving range trying to better their game. Whether it's working their short game or driving the long ball, hours upon hours are spent on trying to master proper technique in order to take strokes off their game. What most golfers are unaware of is that the proper technique they are striving for is often hampered by something call muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalances are postural deficiencies that will cause faulty movement patterns, discomfort or even pain during activities such as a golf swing.

Muscle imbalances can be caused by many other factors besides golf, for example sedentary lifestyle, occupation, and injury just to name a few. Repetitive movements such as a golf swing can cause muscles on one side of the body to tighten while the apposing muscles become weak and lengthened. This will often result in the loss of power and accuracy in a golfers swing. For a golfer to achieve his or her true potential, one must correct these imbalances that are hampering their ability to perform proper technique.

Muscle balance can be achieved through a method of exercise called Corrective Exercise. This type of exercise program focus' on identifying and correcting both tight (short) muscles and lengthened (weak) muscles through a series of strengthening and flexibility exercises. Achieving muscle balance will result in a strong balanced posture and allow the body to perform at an optimal performance level (increased power and accuracy).

When hiring a fitness professional to improve your golf game ask them if they are experienced on the topic of corrective exercise. A complete evaluation should be performed to identify your areas of need.

In Part 2 of this article, I will discuss the common muscle imbalances associated with the game of golf and the exercise techniques needed to correct them.

For additional information please contact (Craig LePage), or log on to

Craig LePage, CSCS, NASM-CPT

Craig is a well-known Fitness Professional in the Charlotte, North Carolina area and is the Director of Precision Fitness Mooresville. He has been helping people reach their fitness and wellness goals for more than 10 years. His credentials include a Bachelors of Science Degree from the University of Bridgeport Connecticut, CSCS credentials from the NSCA and a Personal Training Certification from the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine). Craig has written for Charlotte, NC area Newspapers, authored his own fitness & nutrition program and is a frequent guest on a Charlotte area radio show that focus' on health and wellness. He is currently co-authoring a golf specific exercise book (Play Better, Longer ? Golf) and is also working on a book of his own that should be available sometime next year.

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