Motivation and Goal Settings ?The to Do List

What is it that you need to do in order to be successful in your endeavor?
One way to find out is to write a daily "To do list". This "To do list" will supplement your goal settings. It will simplify yours steps towards achieving your long term goal(s).

You can write your "To do list" while having breakfast or perhaps before going to bed the night before. TIP: Writing a list before you go to bed not only will appease your mind for a good night sleep but will also start your day with a purpose (this is the motivation part!)

Example: The goal I will be working on for the next 3 weeks (it is said that it takes that long to change a habit, good or bad!), will be to regularly organize my home office (always a problem!).

This is the list I would write the night before (keeping in mind my main goal)

  • Pick up dry cleaning
  • Renew house insurance
  • Phone Jim re: B-day party
  • Mail out monthly invoice
  • Archive file folder starting with letter A to C (if my goal would have been to lose a few pounds, I might have written go for a 20 min. walk or jog etc.)

    The more specific your daily list the greater you will achieve. Make it achievable not unreachable, thus the daily "To do list", to break down your goal into smaller steps. Keep it Simple yet Meaningful till you reach your goal.

    Always prioritize.

    To finalized my "To do list", I like to enumerate the task in priorities or by rationality. If I am going out I might as well do everything on my list that requires driving. And you guessed, the priority in this case, would be to archive my filing cabinet (this in any case would have to be done in order for this "To do list" to be successful). And if by the end of the day, you did not cross out everything on your list, don't beat yourself up! You might have wanted to do too many things in one day - Be flexible, adjust accordingly. Write it down for the following day until it's crossed out.

    This useful technique will motivate you to stay focused on your goal. You will also feel like you have achieved a part of your goal, you will be thrilled and proud. Trust me.

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