Seven Steps To Planning A Successful Future

Being successful in life is difficult unless you ensure you have a balanced life. To obtain the optimal benefits you must be passionate about your life plan and believe 100% in what you are doing. It is important to have an end goal firmly in your mind, a plan in place to reach the goal and steps in place to follow, which will lead to your goal. It is also imperative to maintain your physical health in the best shape possible. If you do not believe in what you are doing, then stop now. Find a business opportunity that you really want to be involved in and something that offers positive outcomes.

Have A Goal

Without a goal you are like a ship without a rudder, or a wind up toy spinning in circles. You are working but have no clear idea why. Spend time writing down your goals. Make short-term goals to be accomplished within a week. Perhaps your first goal will be to have a written list of goals with realistic time frames within 7 days. Have specific goals. "I want to be a rich within two years," is not a goal it is a daydream. Zig Ziglar quotes research that has proven that those with a well-defined written plan will succeed at a much higher level than those that have no clear goals and guidelines. Ask yourself "Where do I want to be in 12 months? Do you want a successful home business? Then write down your goals and focus on the results. Now get going! It is that simple. Just set your goals, follow your plan, be committed and you will achieve.

The Plan To Reach Your Goal

Success doesn't simply happen. It is something for which you prepare ? and you need a plan. Set yourself a 90-day plan. First: Choose your goal. Is it finding a great business opportunity? Is it buying or paying off a house, having children, an investment income, losing weight, improved body shape or fitness level? Secondly: Determine how you will meet these goals. Determine the budget you need, have a plan, how much reading you need to do, other activity needed to meet these goals. Thirdly: Evaluate your goal every week to make sure you are on track. If you are not reaching your goal then double your effort. Break down your goals to manageable steps. Congratulate yourself when your plan works well.

Step By Step - The Daily Method of Operation (DMO)

When you have your plan in place spend some time working out what your priorities are. Spend most time on what will give you the most benefit. Don't procrastinate. Work on achieving the most difficult task first. Begin by keeping a time diary for one week. Include everything you do from the time you get out of bed, until you go back to bed. This is a difficult task and requires commitment. If you can stick to this it will pay off. How much time a week do you spend in the shower, thinking about what to do next, watching TV etc? You will be amazed at where you can save precious time when you analyze this diary. Next make a plan for your day. Enter into this everything to be achieved in the day and the time you will allow for this to happen. When you have a realistic DMO and follow it you will be amazed at how much more you will achieve in one day.

Personal Development

Jim Rohn says, "Spend more time on yourself than you do on your business." He is right. For x amount of years you have had your current mindset and current beliefs. You have slowly been conditioned to this since you were very young. What has this given you? If you want more then you must become more. Start reading books that can stretch your mind. Put what you read into practice. Some of my favorite authors are: - Jim Rohn, Susan Jeffers, Robert Kiyosaki, Louise Hay and John Keohoe. Check these out and find others that will 'speak' to you.


You must believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals. Spend time visualizing that you have already achieved these goals. Where will your home be? What will the garden look like? What clothes will you be wearing? What will you be excelling at? Imagine that it has already happened. Then work toward making it a reality. It is the daily commitment of working toward your goals that make the difference between success and failure. You can achieve anything you want to you only need to want it enough. Then you will follow your plan, refine and redevelop it until you have reached the goal. By them you will have more goals to work on.

Physical Well Being

You need enough activity to keep all your moving parts in good working order. Choose the form or exercise that suits you best. Remember to incorporate warming up and cooling down exercises to avoid pulling or straining any muscles. Find time every day to relax. Take time out once or twice a day for at least 15 minutes. Sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly. Listen to some relaxation music. No interruptions just focus your attention on your health, happiness and abundance of all you need. Choose meals and snacks that are kind to your body. These are natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, salads, grains and pulses. These are 'living' foods. Avoid foods that are over processed, stored too long, high is sugar or fats. These are 'dead' foods with little to offer nutritionally. Variety is also vital, helping you obtain the broad range of nutrients your body requires.

A Balanced Life

When you have the above steps in place it will be a simple matter to use the steps to ensure your life is in balance. Write a list of everything that is important to you. This will include things like time with the family, your home based business, being with friends, social events, movies, theater, sport ? watching or participating, exercise, giving time to the community, time with your god, walking the dog. If you follow these steps you will have a greater chance of achieving your goal.

Cheryl Haining is a successful home based business operator. To learn how to create an income stream from your home that will replace your job and develop true financial freedom visit: For information on nutrition diet and weight loss visit

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