Secrets To Successful Publishing

Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the "big guys" like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly make a believer out of you too. Mastering the art of the possible is at the heart of Geela's brand new book where her message is that the possible always exceeds the impossible.

It's a sobering fact that no one not even the "big guys" (the large publishing houses) are immune to the risk of failing and even going out of business and not so much because of lack of resources but rather lack of innovation, high vision and keeping up with inevitable change. In fact, too many companies take the complacent approach of "one-size-fits-all" to marketing and promotion with a worn out attitude of "business as usual" and "we're the best, you're the rest" that stifles innovative thinking (thinking outside the box) so essential for surviving and thriving in a very competitive and dynamic industry where change is the norm and maintaining success is the exception.

It's been Geela's experience as a self-supported and self-published author, that greater degrees of success can be achieved by any publishing company regardless of their size or circumstances simply by implementing the following principles for success that worked for her company GLOBAL VISION MEDIA:

  • It's not your aptitude but your attitude ? a winning attitude can mean the difference between success and failure. Success is a matter of perception and an equal opportunity employer. You are as successful as you make up your mind to be. So don't be afraid to aim high. Let the story of The Little Engine That Could and David and Goliath inspire you. While some people thought that Goliath was too big to hit, David thought he was too big to miss.

  • Recognize that dreams and aspirations for success have no expiration date ? these are self-imposed artificial deadlines that are silent killers of creativity and motivation.

  • What determines your level of success or level of failure is not lack of resources but rather lack of creativity (resourcefulness), high vision and faith (remember, quitters never win and winners never quit).

  • No matter what you were brainwashed to believe, never underestimate your own power to write your own life script and command control of your destiny by either finding a way or making a way. Also when you understand the difference between making things happen vs. letting things happen, you will generate whatever is necessary for you to reach your destination even when all the odds are against you. You no longer have to wait or be at the mercy of traditional distribution and bookstores as they hide your book between competitive titles on their shelves. Your fate is in your hands and all that your hands need to do is to take advantage of the awesome power of modern technology which is now available to the "little guy" as well in order to compete successfully and even surpass the "big guys." Any self-made successful person will tell you that indeed anything is possible especially to those who believe.

  • Apply the Kaleidoscope approach to your marketing and promotion efforts ? although there are finite number of pieces, infinite number of combinations and possibilities can be created simply by rearranging them. You are limited only by your own imagination and will.

  • Don't use the Christopher Columbus method of planning your business if you are serious about reaching your destination of smooth sailing into a new world of success with glory. By failing to plan properly, you plan to fail by default. The power of strategic planning backed by a solid infrastructure cannot be overstated ? it's what makes or breaks regardless of the quality of your product (book). A synergetic plan in place will serve as a compass to guide your actions, evaluate your performance and run your business more profitably.

  • A good marketing plan requires the dexterity of a circus juggler mainly because of factors such as the different life-cycle stage of each title at any given time. In Geela's particular case, as a self-contained, it was and still is a unique multi-faceted situation with multiple projects going on simultaneously, involving a brand new book, a music album and putting together an all-star benefit concert with major music producers as part of Geela's nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD (dedicated to promoting world peace focusing on children's issues), since Geela is an established singer/songwriter with many albums, awards and rave reviews, a visionary author and a long time peace and children's activist. She is the founder of the nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD, a co-founder of a successful record label, GLOBAL VISION RECORDS in addition to being a co-fonder of an up and coming independent publishing company, GLOBAL VISION BOOKS/MEDIA. To make life even more exciting, Geela is also a wife and a dedicated mom.

  • Capitalize on any talents you might have to make up for perceived lack of sales and/or financial resources (initially when you are starting out). Geela's situation is unique by all standards. Hers is a multi-faceted situation (music/book/nonprofit organization) which greatly enhanced the success of her efforts.

  • Broaden your marketing and promotional parameters and capabilities to include a multi-level marketing and promotion by reaching out to different audiences from ethnic to military and other untapped markets. In Geela's case, because of her unique background, as an immigrant from Israel who was born in Iran, with a universal appeal, she capitalized on that fact to reach broader audiences that include ethnic, minorities, women and immigrants.

  • Your infrastructure needs to be built on a solid foundation which includes everything from an innovative strategic marketing plan to a coordinated program which includes the following elements:

    • A comprehensive marketing and promotional plan including assorted advertising mix in key places in addition to a national media campaign

    • Cutting edge on-line marketing and promotion with your own user friendly website (links, pop up banner, affiliate program, ezine newsletter, direct response with a compelling sales letter, article submission, media e-mail blast to keep your name in front of the media with different press releases, sample of products, plenty of endorsements, media room, useful information, strong search engines, just to name a few)

    • Sales forecast

    • Financial plans

    • Secure advanced endorsements for your book from world-renowned personalities, the media, book reviewers and best selling authors to establish credibility

    • Distribution

    • Fulfillment center with your own toll-free number. In Geela's case she chose a number that's easy to remember for her radio interviews (800) 99GEELA

    • Create an outstanding press kit with useful information in addition to promotional and fun material such as posters, bookmarks, double sided glossy flyers and more

    • Marketing and promotion plans also for pursuing the non-bookstore markets (special sales/premiums/incentive) as well as sub-rights and foreign rights including film rights, especially like in the case of Geela, if your book is slanted towards a movie ? these are most lucrative sources for substantial revenues and profitability since you bypass the middlemen, massive discounts and have reduced returns.

    • Since no man is an island and likewise success is never a one-man show, it's essential to have a marketing support system, a Dream-Team if you will, which is made up of top notch like-minded people who share your vision, faith in the project and level of commitment to making it a huge success. The more harmony and camaraderie the better information and creative ideas can be generated to help move your project forward, and combat those inevitable "marketing fatigue" while keeping you motivated.

    • To become a magnet of success and total prosperity live by the motto: "when I help others win - I win."

    • Author personal appearances, speaking engagements and other innovative forms of promotion such as running for an office (at least for a day...) and/or trying to break the Guineas book of records (well, at least in theory you can make the attempt...). Once again, you are limited only by your imagination.

  • In order to get a head start on your promotional campaign consider using a direct response that can help put your title on the best seller list at least on by doing a massive and highly targeted e-mail blast. This alone can open many doors for you and help you reach your destination so much faster and ... in style too.

  • Apply the old-fashioned yet proven method of making up for lack of financial resources the size of the "big guys" with OPM but not the traditional Other People's Money, but rather Other People's Minds, by networking, sharing up to date information, developing and nurturing partnerships while conducting massive research. Remember, knowledge is power that provides you the winning edge. It's cost free and it creates additional opportunities for growth while instantly becoming a success and prosperity magnet.

  • Strive to provide the highest quality in product and service and always go the extra mile, remember, the seed of money is service.

    In the final analysis, it's the quality of the book that will ultimately dictate the longevity and the level of success of any marketing and promotional campaign. Geela's highly praised book THE AMERICAN DREAM offers something very special that everybody wants...hope and direction. In fact, through her Principles For Successful Living, Geela is revolutionizing the conventional wisdom of achieving success, total prosperity and even global unity. And that's something that will always be in demand and never go out of style. Geela's fascinating personal story of triumph over adversity and winning against all odds best captures the true spirit of the American Dream which was based on perspiration, innovation, risk and reward. Of-course some might think her tremendous success story (which took her only twenty years to achieve) is only a result of luck or talent or ... whatever. But perhaps a better definition of luck needs to be when preparation meets opportunity. After all, if you know where you are going, chances are you will get there, and if not, then you'll end up on the road to nowhere. Now that's something to write about...

    About The Author

    Copyright © 2004, Geela

    Author of "The American Dream"

    Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist, and author of the best-selling book "THE AMERICAN DREAM," her true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of her music and her book at

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