Youve Got Mail

It seems that Google is revolutionizing the Net in more than one way. Recently they announced that they will be offering a free email service called Gmail. It will offer its users 1GB of memory space. Now that is a lot of space for anybody to have.

Now an email storage war has begun. MSN, Yahoo and Askjeeves have all offered their free subscribers extra memory to make them stay loyal to their service. Yahoo went from 4 Mb to a 100 MB; Askjeeves has upgraded to 125 MB and MSN has moved from 2MB to 250 MB!

If you used to worry about your mailbox being overwhelmed with emails, it is time for you to relax. No more need for you to purchase extra memory, you have loads of it available for free. You have tons of space for messages, attachments etc.

I believe that Google's competitors are afraid that the Big G is out to snatch away some of there market share. Google's foray into email service is unusual and many a person is excited to hop on board and take advantage of what they have to offer.

Gmail has had some major issues since Google announced its arrival. Most notably is that they intend to place advertisements in each email sent. These ads are supposed to be related to the content of your message. This as lead to squabbles about privacy and several related issues.

Google has faced some strong opposition to its Gmail service. Some of the cons of the service are you can't save a draft of your messages and the reply button is all the way at the bottom of the page.

Gmail also lacks a built ?in virus scanner although they may add one in the future. There is also no way to create HTML emails or the ability to add a signature to your messages.

You can check out Gmail at . Please note that they are still doing beta testing on the system. Give it a try and see how it stacks up against your other email providers. Happy mailing.

Best Regards,

Copyright © Nicholas Dixon

About The Author

Nicholas Dixon is the editor and publisher of The Roc Newsletter. Visit our website and subscribe to receive resources and articles to help you achieve success.

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