Great Dating Advice: 7 Universal Laws for Singles

The Law of the Right Person

While most of us put our focus on finding the right person, it's just as important to focus your energy on becoming the right person.

The Law of Alone, Part 1

One of the words used to describe the state of being alone is lonely. Not a great place to be.

The Law of Alone, Part 2

Another word for being alone is solitude. A much better place to be, and one to be enjoyed and savored.

The Law of Radar

All of us have relationship radar that attracts us to certain kinds of people. Sometimes it attracts us to the wrong kind of person, over and over again. Check out the next three laws to change your relationship radar.

The Law of the List, Part 1

If you've had a history of making bad choices, a list you will want to make is the warning signs of a bad relationship choice. When you keep seeing these warning signs, it's time to follow my RLH presription - Run Like Hell.

The Law of the List, Part 2

Another important list is a list of what you are looking for in someone. Some of these are requirements, things you cannot do without for the relationship to work. Others are needs, things that are important but can be negotiated. And finally some of these items are wants, the icing on the cake.

The Law of the List, Part 3

You need to have a list of people to be on your "screening committee." These are the folks that know you well and that you trust enough to pay attention if they say to you "What the hell are you doing?"

Visit for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.

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