How to Finally Approach the Women You Lust for

We've all been there. You have been meeting her accidentally in the hall for a long time and every night you go to sleep you dream about her, you've decided a 100 times that you will stop being a wussy and that you will call her out on a date, but the moment you see her your feet are cemented to the floor and your tongue is heavy as it were made of lead. And you feel lost in space!

The usual mistake men will make is try to go for it even though they are already sweating of fear. In majority of cases that approach will not work, why?

When you play a sport the "go for it" attitude is the best for winning a match but women are not the same. If she senses any trace of insecurity in you, or any trace of hesitation she will quickly discard you cause deep in her genes she doesn't want a son that will also be afraid of women.

To get a women attracted to you the first step is to not to be afraid of her, a women will newer mate with a man that is afraid of her cause that means she is mixing her genes with low quality genes, actually she is repelled by a man who is sweating when talking to her.

If a man decides to approach a women to ask her on a date or to just approach and talk, even though he is still feeling fear internally, he will fail and the women will reject him. That will make the men even less confident and when he approaches the next women he will send out a frightened vibe and he will be rejected again.

There are two solutions to the problem. The first solution is to get drunk and go out and meet women, well that is not our solution. We will leave that to our competition. Statistically they will seduce an attractive woman one day, if they live up to the next ice age!

The second solution it to follow step by step exercises which we will present to you which have proven themselves in helping even the most shy men talk and after more practice seduce women they want. Like in everything in life, if you want to be successful you must work hard. But you must also pay attention that you work smart and you must learn from somebody that has been able to achieve success himself. At our company Fidentia we teach men how to be confident and approach women anytime, anywhere and have lots of dates. 50% percent of our seminar is classroom work and 50% is field work where our instructors demonstrate how to approach women and take them for dates anytime, anywhere.

Our instructors are casually dressed and average looking to demonstrate the effectives of our method. Then student follow.

We have discovered that in one day, following certain exercises, you can transform a shy guy into a man that can approach any women and take her out for a date.

If you are interested in doing the same here is one of the exercises that will help you out a lot.

Remember that girl you've seen many times, follow this exercise and raise your confidence and only then approach her do not approach her until you can be calm down and totally relaxed before the actual approach! That is the mistake many men make. They approach the girl of their dreams while they are still not ready and they mess it up and then they do the same with the next girl, until they give up and settle with a woman they are not attracted to.

First I want you to go to a department store. Take a trolly and go to the section where you buy condoms. You must buy condoms cause you are about to get a woman, anyway.

Take a trolley and buy nice condoms.

They put them in the middle of the trolley and walk around the store and check out other accessories. Have only the condoms in the trolley. Can you feel fear blocking you?! Can you feel yourslef getting read like a tomato?! I bet you can.

Don't worry it happens to all of us in the beggining, soon you will destroy that fear and many more!

The store must be a place you usually buy so it is likely they already know you and it is likely you will meet a friend. Now when people will be watching you take care to notice the feeling of uneasiness that is building up inside you. That feeling is your biggest enemy.

Your cheap japanese car and your fake designer chinese clothes are not your enemies. But that feeling is your enemy, it is called your internal blocker.

The internal blocker was put inside you by the society surrounding you so you would think that you need to buy a fancy german sports car and italian suit so you would work more. Imagine if you were able to get rid of that feeling how unstoppable you would become!

Now take a walk around the store and find a women, if she is attractive enough that she gives you guess bumps even without the trolley and your load that's great, but she can be any woman you choose.

Go to a woman and ask her:"Excuse me for disturbing you but could you please advise me what perfume I should buy for a friend of mine, she is having a birthday party tomorrow".

You are accomplishing many things at the moment. First somebody sees that you actually have sex(imagine that!) and you have enough courage not to hide the condoms like a teenager. Then a woman sees that you are invited by another woman to a party. Now that may not mean a lot to us men but it means a world of difference to women.

Men judge women in milliseconds by how they look. Women take a lot longer to judge us men and that is why they like to consider the opinions of other women. This way you will create an illusion that other women like you also and she will instantly like you more, unimaginable but true. Anyway soon other women will call you to parties but you must make up this first initial boost.

Listen to what she tells you. The mission is not to seduce her cause having condoms in your basket and seducing women at the same time is not for you jet, but the mission is to destroy many fears and blockers in your mind. Can you feel your new power! If the fear gets too strong and you cannot do it just repeat this many times: ?People will see that I do get laid, what kind of fear is that. I will destroy it now !"

Good you are well on your way.

After you accomplish the mission rememeber that you just touched the tip of the tip of the iceberg but that is more that most of men do in their whole lives. To continue destroying the blockers in your mind visit Fidentia's website and follow more guidelines, enjoy!

FidentiaŠ Copyright 2005. Ranko Magami

Ranko Magami who has the online nick Shark on message boards is known for teaching a style called direct to students around the world in live workshops that take place in nightclubs, bars and shopping malls.

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