Dating ? What to Do on Your First Date

Dating at first is fun but as it goes on it's easy to fall into a rut. You always go out to dinner or a movie or stay home and rent videos but you are feeling kind of bored. The boredom may not be because of your dating partner it could be that you have fallen into a comfortable pattern.

There are all kinds of different things that can be done and sometimes people are afraid to do something different. What if I don't like it? What if I do like it and she doesn't? There is hope for fun and excitement to reign again. It will just take a bit of imagination and planning.

Since you and your dating partner have common interests let's take a look at all the various kinds of dates that you create. Let's start with some general kinds of dates and see if we can't expand on them. There's the movies, dinner, or dancing. In and of themselves they could be at best a short date.

How about dinner and a movie or a movie and dinner at a club that also has dancing. Since there are all kinds of movies and clubs that cater to various music genres, it could be fun. Have you ever tried playing pool?

If you both have a religious connection Church activities might be something interesting for you. There are many very popular Christian Bands and singers that have concerts all over the place. Try going to a rally or something like a Billy Graham Crusade. If you are not Christian check with your Church to see what is available for young people or young couples.

Any kind of concert could prove to be interesting and at the very least you may discover you like a type of music you didn't think you would. The theater is another idea. Dinner theatres are even more fun. Plays are fun and so are shows like Stars on Ice or Disney on Ice. A simple date could be just going out for ice cream or for a walk on the beach.

Are you both athletic or is one of you at all inclined? Try going for a run together. Hiking in an area you haven't been to before could be fun. Instead of using your vehicles and with gas as expensive as it can be, try dusting off your bicycles and going for a ride. It's physical, its fun, and aside from that it will get you somewhere you want to go. Roller blading, horseback riding, and a walk in the summer rain can be fun too.

Do you really just want to stay home? Try renting a favorite romantic movie or rent one you haven't seen. Playing games can be fun try something a bit more challenging like Chess, or backgammon; how about a game like Jenga, a puzzle game. Are you the intellectual type? Lectures and museums of all kinds could be very interesting and fun.

Is there a planetarium? It's one way of looking at the stars and not having to be outside. Take a day trip somewhere nearby. For New Englander's Boston Mass is a good bet. They have the Children's Museum, The Science Museum and The Freedom Walk. On the freedom walk you will get to see the bar Cheers. The zoo is fun and educational. Art exhibits and public gardens are very relaxing.

Is your guy a car guy? Try going to a monster truck rally or to stock car races. Are you crafty? Try going to a craft fair and try scrap booking that's something a guy could get into and not feel like it's a girly activity. Another fun thing is cooking together. Try taking a cooking class or pottery class together.

The whole point of dating someone is to learn something about another person. If you volunteer visiting nursing homes bring your date once or twice. See the thing is you try all these different things and you both settle on things that are commonly pleasing. Sometimes though it is a good idea to do something you may not like a whole lot so that your date at least knows you care about him and the things s/he likes.

Dating has its perks and it has its disastrous times. There may be an only date or a first date several times over. If you are respectful of the other person's needs and interests and can compromise without resentment the chances of a wonderful relationship is great. Even the dating doesn't lead to a marriage. Some very wonderful friendships can be developed. Live one date at a time. Respect each other and learn to trust each other. Just live life and enjoy each other.

Enjoy life and have fun. Dating is a challenge but understand you might have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess.


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About the Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice and tips on a variety of subjects if you need tips on Dating Online His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

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