If You Really Need A Dating Quiz, Maybe You Shouldnt Be Dating

Q. My boyfriend failed a dating quiz. Should I dump him?

A. If you're the type that hates to be dumped, then you should dump him before he finds out that you even asked this question. If you put so much value on a dating quiz that you're willing to break off a relationship because someone "failed" it, then maybe you're not ready for dating yet.

You see, a dating quiz is written for entertainment purposes only. I'm not trying to be sexist here, but they are usually written for girls and young woman, and they are designed to prey upon your natural insecurities. They are biased towards some unrealistic viewpoint of what the perfect partner is and the perfect partner doesn't exist.

I remember a dating quiz that asked if my girlfriend reached over to unlock the driver's door after I let her into the passenger door. If I answered "Yes" then she would make a perfect wife. If I answered "No" then I should run away!

Come on, get real. If that's all it took to be a perfect wife there would never be any divorces.

My point, at the risk of repeating myself, is that a dating quiz shouldn't be taken seriously. In fact, there is a good chance that they shouldn't be taken at all. Your common sense knows whether or not you are dating someone who is good or bad for you. You don't need some overworked writer, working against a deadline to fill up some white space in a magazine, or on a web site, to tell you whether or not you should dump someone on the basis of your answers to a dating quiz. Not if you're anyone who is worth dating, that is.

Brian Fong run the popular quiz site
Quiz Faq - Your solutions for the quiz.

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