Building A Credit Report Lenders Will Love You For

Will lenders really love you for having a good credit report score? Love is not the right word of course; lenders are after your money, and never forget that. But the lender's representative will love dealing with your credit application if your credit report is good. If you have a high credit score and spotless credit record, then when you apply for a large loan, you stand a good chance of not only getting the loan approved, but obtaining a competitive interest rate.

How, then, do you go about building up a good credit report score?

The most important thing you can do when beginning to build a good credit report is to always pay your bills on time and to never, ever borrow more than you can afford to pay back. It sounds simple and obvious, but unfortunately, credit can be very tempting, and if you allow yourself to be seduced by the allure of easy credit, you could quickly find yourself in some difficulty. Credit card debt is often the biggest and most impulsive temptation. However, it is essential for your financial well being, and for building a good credit report, that you set and remember your long term goals. You must resist the instant gratification of easy and expensive credit, such as with a credit card.

These days, if you have a good credit record, as reflected in your credit report, it means more than ever. Your chances of getting a car, a house, or being approved for personal loans or credit cards, has for many years been affected by your credit report. Increasingly, though, the report is being accessed for more reasons. Background checks by employers, for example, may include looking at your credit report, and even insurance companies sometimes consider credit reports when deciding whether or not to extend coverage.

To achieve a good credit record, you must have shown that you have borrowed money and then paid it back in accordance with the terms of a loan, with regard to both times and amounts. It also means that you have shown that you do not over extend yourself on credit. One thing to be careful about, though, is not to apply for a lot of loans or credit cards just to increase your chances of being successful in obtaining credit with one. If you do it too many times, you may look like a high risk.

It is a good idea to start building your credit reputation as a young adult. Whether through cell phone ownership or student credit cards, you can start to convince lenders you are a good credit risk, by paying on time every time, and if possible by more than the minimum.

A next step to building a good credit report score is by taking out a car loan. Cars are generally expensive, so a car loan is a real test of your credit score potential. Paying that loan off on time will have a wonderful affect on your credit reputation and report.

Once you have been using credit for a while, you may find it beneficial to monitor your credit and make sure all is well. Request a copy of your credit report once a year, from each credit bureau. It is important to know which of your credit accounts appear in which reports, and to ensure they are all accurate. It is okay to increase both spending and credit, so long as you do not over extend yourself. If you find mistakes on your credit report, make sure you follow the Bureau's instructions to challenge it, in writing. If you follow these steps, you can get your credit rating up to an AAA status and keep it there.

Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of http://www.eliminate-cred

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