Something New For Golfers- The Senior Golf Guild

A new site to the Internet is the Senior Golf Guild where senior golfers review golf courses and they report their findings. This a new adventure that started back in 2004. The idea of the Senior Golf Guild is to report if the golf courses are friendly to the senior golfer and what they offer as far services and easy of using the golf course. For seniors starting their retirement years and want a good game of golf, this site will be a benefit when looking for golf courses that are senior friendly. Golfers just you can review golf courses and help others choose a course that is just right for them.

The idea behind this rating system is show golfers good courses to play at, but also to address issues with golf courses that seniors might want to play, but they are not senior friendly. Whether this is a good thing or bad thing is a matter of personal opinion. If you are a golfer and happen to be a senior, you might want to experience courses the way they are instead of having improvements. Not all courses are designed the same and there are reasons for this, the top one being different playing fields allows the senior golfer to practice different techniques.

As a golfer, you need to try different golf courses to have a variety in your game. If all the golf courses were exactly the same with all the same services and amenities, you might not experience different techniques for golfing. If a course is different, you have to adjust for that and continue with the game. This is what makes a true golfer a pro at what they do. Yes, some courses may not be as well groomed as others, but this is part of golfing. As long as you play the game, the way you need to, you can play anywhere no matter if they are senior friendly or not.

The Senior Golf Guild does seem like a good idea, but maybe someone will see a golf course differently than another golfer does. Just because the course seems to be at fault for a bad game, it may be the person behind the game. Using opinions, that other have about senior golf courses should be taken with some thought. You might like the course or find the difficulty of the course more challenging than another senior golf player finds.

Avid senior golf players will play at courses they like or even dislike as long as they find a challenge. What better way to find a challenge than to play at golf courses that might be up to the standards of other golfers. Yes, the condition of the course is important, but it also depends what the condition is and if it affects the overall game. Some people may think that rugged terrain is not for senior golfers, but then if you never try a course like this because of what someone else says, you may miss out on something exciting and you will never know how your game could have been.


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