Senior Golf Mini Tours

Did you know that many senior golf pros started their careers with senior golf mini tours? These tours are for the amateurs and the professionals alike. Both men and women stat their careers with mini tours, which in some cases have payouts up to twenty-five thousand dollars. This is not a bad purse for a mini tour. If you are considering joining the ranks of the PGA or the LPGA, you might consider gaining some experience with a few mini tours to see how you stand up the rest. This is a fascinating way to life the life of a pro without all the hype right away.

You might sign up for the Cadillac Classic Series or the Sunbelt Senior Golf Tour. You can participate just as the pros do, but with less stress in winning. You can gain pointers on how to make the grade as you travel on your way to the PGA or LPGA. This is great experience for senior golf amateurs trying their hand at joining the ranks of Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player. You compete for a title, but without the pressure of the PGA. You can use the min tours as a way to brush up on your swing, chipping, long drives and short games as well as your putt.

Once have tried your hand at the senior golf mini tours, have succeeded in obtaining a good score, and are confident about your overall golf ranking, you might think about moving onto the PGA or LPGA. You must of course, qualify to join the PGA, but there are people to help you with every step needed to be taken to join the circuit. The min tours are just a step in the right direction. Your winning games could even add up to pocket change if you play the game well.

Many senior golf mini tour players stay with the mini tours for their entire golfing career. They like the mini tours because they are affordable and they can travel less then what you do with the PGA. When you join the PGA, you travel away from home for long periods of time where as a mini tour is scheduled a few times a year and you do not have to participate in everyone if you do not wish. You gain experience, but at your own speed. You have no commitment to any other tours if you do not feel it is the time.

A senior golf mini tour can benefit anyone who is an amateur golfer trying to gain recognition into the golfing circuit. Although you are playing for a purse, you so not have all the expenses that come with being in the PGA or LPGA. Men and women both participate in mini tours as a way of enhancing their experience and never move up into the rankings of the PGA. There many organizations that can help you register for the min tours and will give you all the information you need to get started.


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