Why You Should Consider Self-Publishing Your Own Book

You should be aware that self-publishing could very well be a great solution for putting your material into tangible print. The practice could very well put you in control of your very own position and destiny when it comes to book writing. If many seasoned and famous authors are under major book publishers, why should you be content at publishing your own work? There are specific reasons.

The first good reason is that you could preserve and maintain your style. In traditional book publishing, an author would have to revise a material for an indefinite number of times to satisfy the requirements and judgment of third-party editors and publishers. Usually, the process gets so tedious and so long that at times, it takes years before a book is finally approved for commercial printing. Conventional book printing is not friendly and ideal for beginners. This is because the entire process could not just be exhilarating. It could be traumatic overall.

Second, an author could attain a great sense of pride when self-publishing. That is because he would be spared from the stress and embarrassment of being asked to revise a work many times or worse of being rejected in the long run. No publisher could ever turn him down if he decides to publish his work on his own. Instead of the editor or publisher, the readers would be the actual powerful judge that would impose verdicts on your book. This judgment could be translated to high sales.

Third, why would you settle to get just a mere $1 in royalty for every piece of book you sell if you could have a major 60% cut on total sales of your product? Generally, self-publishers get that amount of profit from sales of books. In the conventional setting, a publisher would impose high commissions on a book so that in the end, the author brings home a minimal amount of profit from his own work.

The power would be in your hands if you decide to self-publish your own book. Because you do not have a publisher, you should take the sole responsibility of taking care of just about every aspect of publishing, including title, cover design, printer choice, rights, book marketing strategies, after-market deals, and sales. You should be very attentive and highly organizational and systematic to make it all work at the same time.

Then, be able to launch your book as soon as you want. There are no deadlines to beat, no editors to please, and no pressure to meet regarding sales. You could opt to keep your capital minimal by deciding to print a limited number of your book first. You should be able to gauge the reception of the readers. If it does not work well, you could freeze further printing so you could significantly lower your costs, and even possible loss.

Lastly, decide to get into self-publishing to prove to yourself you could do it. Be confident that you are making sense in your book and that readers could really love it. You have no idea whatsoever of how glorious you could feel the first time you would see any of your authored books being displayed in major bookstores in the city. You should not hesitate to publish your own unique book now.


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