Objections To The Rosary Devotion

Despite the popularity of using the Rosary in aiding a Catholic’s daily life in prayer, some people (usually other christians) object to this old-aged practice.

Some religious scholars believe that when we say the Rosary, we contradict the teachings of the Second Vatican Council mainly on the Sacred Liturgy. Most objections strongly emphasize that the essence of the Sacred Liturgy in the Christian life has lost its importance especially with the Rosary. However, Pope John Paul II said that the Rosary do not conflict with the Liturgy, instead it sustains and echoes it. Thus, the Roman Catholic Church claims that when one prays the rosary he also receives Sacraments through Christ and Mama Mary.

Also, some scholars believe that praying the Rosary objects ecumenism – worldwide religious unity. They suggest that praying the rosary is individualistic and pertains to only selfish way to salvation. The Catholic Church, however, retaliates this as the Rosary is wholly directed to Jesus Christ. It lets us contemplate the face of Christ and to follow his holy path. Thus it will lead us to a deeper understanding and living of the mystery of God’s love of us in Jesus Christ. (Rosarium Virginis Mariae No. 4b) So, praying the rosary is a worldwide promotion of Christian unity.

Another point of view, which most people who are against rosary devotion believe in, is the idea of very fanatical devotion to Mama Mary, which according to them is a kind of worshipping. Some anti-catholics object to Marian teaching. They believe Mary is not a perpetual virgin.

According to Matthew 13:54-56: Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. "Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?" they asked. "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren't all his sisters with us?"(Matthew 13:54-56)

Eventually, if a woman bears children, she cannot be considered as a virgin. Even though Mary was claimed to be a perpetual virgin, she also had daughters and sons. This is the claim of people against rosary devotion. They believe that Mary is not worthy of such adoration. However, the Catholic Church refutes this by pointing out that the bible does not actually call Jesus’ “brothers and sisters’ or the sons and daughters of the Virgin Mary because they are not actually her children. In Mark 15:40 a woman I mentioned as “Mary the mother of James and Joseph”. These two men are the “brothers’ of Jesus Christ that were mentioned in Matthew 13:55. Thus, there are two different women that were called Mary and clearly the Virgin Mary is not the mother of James the less and Joseph.

The bible mentioned the term “brothers” because it is part of the culture at that time. The term “brother, sister, brethren” was used for relatives or close friends but not necessarily siblings such as in the case of a brother-in-law.

Virgin Mary is worthy of adoration. She has a great honor of being the biological mother of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:29). She has a great obedience to the will of God and thus called blessed. With this great honor, Catholics have devoted a very special kind of prayer ritual through praying the rosary.


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