How To Make a Rosary

Though it seems very hard, creating rosary materials such as rosary beads are easier than you think. A handmade rosary created with love, determination, patience and creativity is more valuable than a rosary purchased from a gift shop. Creating rosaries to give to your friends is real fun. You can also bring them the gift of joy, spirituality and communion with God.

There are different kinds of rosaries: The Anglican, The Chalet, The Ring Rosary, The Servite, and The Bracelet. However, we will discuss how to create a rosary used by the Roman Catholic Church called the five decade rosary. It is called the five decade rosary because it has a group of five with ten beads in each group.

To make your own rosaries, follow these easy steps and reach out for the divine grace and intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Step 1: Gather materials. You can use small items for you to create your very own rosaries. You can use recyclables, seeds, semi-precious stones or any materials that you might find helpful. In order to start you will need 59 beads, a durable string and a cross or a small cruciform.

Step 2: Prepare the Cruciform. Be sure that when you find a cross for your rosary, it should have a small hole on it for the string. If not, you can drill a small hole on the top of the cross.

Step 3: Loop the Cross. Be sure that your string is thin but durable enough. Loop your cross into the string and leave enough string to create a sufficient loop for your beads.

Step 4: Tie the String. Now that you have looped your cross, secure it by knotting. Then start with your special beads.

Step 5: Beading. Choose 59 rosary beads of the same color, shape and sizes. But if you want to have your own combination, it is your choice. There is nothing wrong in adding into your rosary a bit of spur of creativity. However, don’t exceed beyond the limits of creativity. Remember that the rosary is a tool for a holy ritual of Marian devotion so it would be awful to use tiny plastic skulls for your beads.

Step 6: Thread the first bead in the string and secure it with a knot. Create a knot about a quarter of an inch spaced away from the first bead before you thread another three beads. Secure these beads with a knot.

Step 7: About a quarter of an inch spaced away. Tie a knot and thread one bead. This will now form the pendant of your rosary.

Step 8: Create a decade. Make a knot about ¼ of an inch spaced away from the last threaded bead. Then string ten beads. Secure these with a knot. You have now your first decade.

Step 9: Create a Marker. Make a knot ¾ of an inch spaced away from your first decade, place a special bead (usually, different in size, shape or color from your decade beads) on the string and tie a knot to secure placement.

Step 10: Repeat Step 8 and 9 to make 4 decades more. Ensure that you tie a knot to secure placements.

Now, you are finished! Try to create rosaries that will show your true character. Tell the person that you have personally created the rosary. They will appreciate your effort and will value your gift for the rest of their lives.


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