Dangerous Reptiles

When people decide to buy reptiles for pets, some inevitably cross the line of safety and wisdom. Although it may seem thrilling to own a pet that is harmful, it's best left up to the experts and people who are trained to preserve wildlife.

Underestimating a dangerous reptile can mean a quick and certain death to the uneducated and careless pet owner. But if you're determined to own a dangerous reptile, at least make sure you are aware of all the possible safety precautions. Be fully informed as to what steps to take should you incur injury from contact with your pet.

A pet may harm an owner for several reasons. A reptile has instincts that are inbred. If you make the mistake of smelling like food, you will be in danger of being mistaken for food. There's also the danger of underfeeding your reptile and having them strike out in desperation from starvation. If you startle the reptile, you're likely to be harmed. If the reptile is injured or ill, the pain may cause them to strike out. Although it is easy to want to blame the reptile, you must take into account the reasons it may have chosen to bite, scratch, or otherwise harm someone.

Neglect to keep the cage, terrarium, or other enclosure secure at all times is crucial to your safety and to the safety of the reptile.

Some snakes have teeth, some have venomous fangs, and some have constriction to use as weapons. Whatever the case may be, you can be certain it will be painful to the recipient. Vipers and rattlesnakes are two dangerous snakes that use their poisonous fangs to inject venom into their prey or attacker. Vipers can grow as long as 6 feet and don't need daylight to attack. The pits between their eyes and nostrils alert them to their prey. A beautifully dangerous reptile, the golden eyelash viper is a bright lemon yellow color.

Snakes aren't the only dangerous reptiles, nor are they the only dangerous reptiles chosen for pets. Crocodiles and caymans are also big predators. They latch onto their prey with their many teeth and powerful jaws, and then they drag the larger victims underwater to drown them. Crocodiles have been known to gobble snakes for treats!

American alligators can be seen in many museums or zoos, live in exhibits. Well known in the deep south of Louisiana, they are not only predators but also are hunted for food and to be cut up into trinkets sold to tourists.

The alligator disguises itself as a log in swamp water and is camouflaged very well. They live in swamps and bayous from Texas to North Carolina. Florida has an abundance of inland water that provides a perfect habitat for these reptiles. Their diet of fish, birds, and small animals along with their size and vicious capabilities make them unwelcome to most as pet material. Their habitat is hard to create as well.

You can tell the difference in crocodiles and alligators by the shape of their snouts and the way the teeth lay when the jaws are shut. The alligator is able to conceal its teeth inside its mouth while the crocodile is not.


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