Renting Your Home To Someone, Use An Application For Renting

When you are renting your home to someone, you want to make sure they will take care of the property as if it was their own. You want to find someone that will follow the lease and not miss the monthly rent obligations. Renting your home is always a gamble, but with proper credit checks, criminal checks and a renting agreement, you can protect yourself, your property and the tenant. This is always important to remember whenever you rent your home. You want someone who treat it like his or her own and care for it.

Many times, you are better off having an application form for the apartment. You can include personal information. This will cover name and alias, social security number, current phone number, and current address. You can ask for any felony convictions as well as property damages complaints. You will want to include questions regarding previous residences that the applicant has lived in, this is usually going back ten years.

You make ask about credit history as well as financial information such as a bank name where they have a checking or savings account. Any bad credit should be explained as well as any problems with evictions and small claims. There are two other questions to ask on the application when renting your home to someone. You should ask about their income and employment status as well as the name of the employer.

Once you have all the information, you can use this to verify employment, criminal history, credit history and you mat check with past property owners, but this is not usually necessary unless they have questionable claims against their credit history. Keep in mind there is fine line behind to much information and not enough information. You want to be sure about the potential renter, but do not overstep your boundaries or it could be misconstrued as discrimination. You do have the right to refuse anybody, you just do not need to go into a lengthy explanation that may raise a red flag. You have to be careful about what reason you have for not renting to the party.

You can draw up your own rental application or you can obtain one from your local housing authority. This is true for a rental agreement as well. As long as you do not ask the wrong questions that are not appropriate, you can make your own. You should however make sure you have all the information that is needed to see if someone is a good candidate for renting your apartment or house.

Renters also should supply the right and truthful information on a rental application. If a property owner finds out that the information supplied was wrong, they can evict you for false misrepresentation. Always be truthful and upfront about any information on the rental application and property owners as well need to be truthful with you. This the only way for a property owner and a tenant to get along and for both to be sure about their choices.


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