Renting A Mobile Home

Renting a mobile home has a little more to it then just paying the rent. The mobile home has one amount for rent and one amount for land rental. There may be other fees associated with renting a mobile home as well, such as garbage removal and snowplowing. Before you consider renting a mobile home, you should always fine out what other charges will apply. Some mobile home owners will include all the fees in the rent since they are responsible for paying for them.

Renting a mobile home and finding rental insurance may be a little difficult, since the rates may be slightly higher than if you were to rent a house or an apartment. When renting a mobile home, you will want to know where all the pipes are, the furnace and the available storage. Because this is a mobile home, you want to check for insulation and you should consider the age of the mobile home and the outside appearance. Many mobile homes do not fair during the aging process, this is why mobile homes depreciate so rapidly after you buy one. It is always necessary to check everything.

Check the floors and the walls to make sure everything is sturdy and has no weak spots. Renting a mobile home is similar to renting a house, but the structure is different and the weather can cause damage depending on how severe it is at the time. Some mobile home parks do allow garages in certain areas, if you have a garage, you will want to make sure it is free of debris and that it has a door opener and no leaks.

If you need a garage and plan to build one or even put up a storage shed, the mobile park will have specifications on size, design, structure as well as where you can erect the storage shed. If you do not ask permission, the park manger can ask you to take it down or even move it, which could create more problems. It is always better to talk this over with the property owner, who can talk with the park manager to obtain any necessary information you may need.

Once you have all the information that you need, you will be ready to decide on renting the mobile home or not. You will want to have a guideline of the mobile park rules. There may be rules as to how many cars you can have parked on the lot and when to place your trash out as well as what park curfews are for entertaining.

You need to find out this information before renting a mobile home. You will also want to know if there are any specific places for guests to park when they come to visit. It may be that guests have to park a distance away and walk to your home. This is common practice in mobile parks. If you have a driveway, you might be able to fit a few cars on your lot.


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